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3rd POV
"p..please no"the little boy breathed out in fear,his eyes filled with tears again while he clutched the sheets to his chest so tightly,"I-","hinata!" The door to the nurse's office burst open and in came the players of Karasuno, 'I never thought I'd be this happy to see them again' hinata thought still panting while staring with his wide hazel eyes at suga's worried ones.
Sugawara's gaze then turned from hinata to the boy standing so close to the bed where the little crow was...laying? Was hinata even laying?,
'what's he doing here? And why does hinata look that much..scared?',"what are you doing here yamaguchi?"sugawara asked with a tone laced with venom, the green-headed boy looked at kageyama and tsukishima who were standing a little in the back of their teammates smiles evident on their faces then back at sugawara whose piercing gaze never left him ,"I..well i was so w-worried about h-hinata-kun a-and I couldn't wait longer so-so i came to see him..yeah right.."yamaguchi muttered out his eyes empty as he tried his best to avoid his senpai's suspicious gaze, while hiding his trembling hands behind his back. Sugawara stared continously at yamaguchi obviously not believing what his kohai just said but before he could say anything more someone did first,"you should've waited for us y'know"the blue haired setter said a sly smirk making it's way on the corner of his lips gaining the attention of the others,"yes kageyama is right! You should've waited like us! We all were worried sick about shoyo too! Oh wait right my kohai!! how are you??!" Nishinoya said without noticing the secret message beneath kageyama's words. yamaguchi feeling relieved, looked at his two other first year friends then went to stand next to them not noticing the burning gaze that followed his every little move.

"I'm f-fine..I w-was j-just ti-tired"hinata stutterd out he really can't control his stuttering when those three are around,and no one can blame him for it."for real hinata?we were so worried about you! Do you need anything?"yachi said her thumb caressing hinata's hand,"I'm f-fine"he said slowly.
"Chibi-Chan that's enough t-" oikawa stopped midsentence as he stared with shock at all the faces present in the room,his gaze hardening as he caught sight of the three first years that sat in the corner close to their middle blocker's bed and his hands fisted on his sides.

"Oh hey.. we're only here to check on hinata"sugawara said a small smile present on his lips,"no need for you to tell them why we're here! We're his old teammates we have every right to be worried ab-","shut up noya"daichi cut the spikey haired boy's rambling with a glare and then looked at the two Aoba johsai players who to his surprise had their other teammates standing behind them.
"Sorry about him,he doesn't think before he opens his mouth, actually he doesn't think at all"daichi said his hand moving down his face in frustration because of their loud immature libero earning a dramatic gasp from noya and a snicker from Tanaka who was side hugging hinata and refusing to let the smaller boy go.

Iwaizumi elbowed Oikawa's side to stop him from glaring at Karasuno before he smiled slightly at daichi and nodded his head a llittle. Aoba johsai's players then went inside the average sized room, 'can't they like..get out?'thought kunimi trying to get next to hinata,"alright move guys he's t-their te-ammate they must be worried"said sugawara his voice trembling at the end before he stood up from the bed followed by his team members and standing on the side. 'Their teammate?' That word didn't sound right when he said it, his little crow,the one he considered as his own family now being so far away from him..so far that he feels as if he can't reach him anymore..a hand being placed on his shoulder brought him back to reality as he shook his head a little and stared to his side where daichi was looking at him with questioning eyes he just smiled a little then looked back at hinat who's now talking with his teammates.

"Yah you good?? You shouldn't have gone into the court if you knew you were tired! What if something worse happened to you!"matsukawa said a frown settling on his face making a groan emit from hinata's lips before he moved himself under the covers to try and hide from his friends, "b-but I w-wanted t-o play"he muttered slowly from under the duvets while glaring at the blankets covering him."we know but you should've waited for another time! It's not like it was the last game we'll ever play"kunimi stated his hand removing the covers slight from on top of hinata to get a look at his face,"not e-everyd-day we c-can pl-play against i-itachiyama!"hinata reasoned huffing at the end and folding his arms in front of his chest,a smile cracked on Oikawa's lips as he stared at his little chibi-Chan talking and arguing with their teammates his gaze shifted from hinata to iwaizumi who also had a small smile playing on the sides of his lips, but just as the smile came it was replaced with a frown as he stared at hinata's hands that were clutching the blankets a move he learned that hinata does when he wasn't feeling at ease or was in fear of something, 'something definitely has happened before we came here' the setter then moved away a little and went to where Karasuno was standing,"hey sugawara-San, Daichi-San can I talk to you for a second?" The brunette setter said but before one of the two could say anything he beat them to it,"privately.", a frown formed on Daichi's face but nonetheless followed along with sugawara the brunette setter out of the room leaving the rest of Karasuno staring at their backs.

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