Part I

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A diamond in the rough is what they said, a scandalous nature, with a temper of flames. Her auburn bright hair sparked like her flair, but now she lay on the dusty old concrete, on the streets of Mallaig.
Fear a' bhàta arrived, she was scared. The black sails they roared, like beasts they snared. The small boat brought a hellenistic mist to the harbour. Her corpse lay still beneath her feet with its eyes glaring at the night sky. The stars who guided her home would never again meet. Rest in peace Roisin Fraiser, the woman who died a martyr. She instinctively walked over to fear a' bhàta in a trance, sadness and regret filled her transparent soul, she led a cunning life of tricks and gold. Who would remember Roisin Fraiser, the few that knew her name? She amassed more hate the more she gained her fame. Like "Hellfire" her name spread, turning men's riches to ash, she blew through Scotland and left accounts aflame.
There he stood, draped in the black mist. The boatman who guided souls into the eternal abyss. She boarded the boat in her wayward trance and turned to look at the town. This wasn't right, how dare they cut her down.
The boat sank into the sea, but she didn't gasp or even breathe. Like a barnacle on a ship she was stuck on the boat, onwards and downwards into her new home. 'I'm not going to heaven' her soul sunk, 'I am facing eternal damnation because of my crooked throne. I righted a system in which I could never grow and now I have been murdered and cast into the unknown.'

Her wayward soul pillaged below, there she saw a light, a raging glow

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Her wayward soul pillaged below, there she saw a light, a raging glow. A fissure opened at the depths of the unknown, a strange fiery ember beckoned her soul. She clung onto the boat in terror of the beast she only heard about in stories. But there it stood in the world under her new home, Balor the demon in all it's glory. It's monstrous smirk fixed on her face, the red bloodshot eyes watched as she began to shake. It roared with such joy the cave came alive, winged creatures shrieked and bellowed at the sight before their eyes. The beast stood aside as Roisin Fraiser arose, she crept onto the rocks afraid there was a way her immortal soul could be torn. Fear a' bhàta fled the horrific scene in the cave, she was all alone in the underworld with the demonic conclave. She walked past the beast, afraid it would consume what was left of the woman she knew, but it stood unbothered then bowed it's horn's. She was welcomed into the dark world of Ifrinn and quickly ran through a passage of bloody thorns.
'Welcome to your new dimension, at a glance it is nothing short of convention, but our home is nothing less of fabulous you see, have I perked your curiosity? Perfect! Come follow me.' A 6ft 7 man with a skinny long body danced around, with swav and flare he announced: 'The land of Ifrinn, is hot it's true, it's situated under the mortal world but my WHAT A VIEW! Come along our newest resident, now look and behold. Step onto the cliff, I won't let you go.' His dark featured face smirked upon hers.

The sight was far worse from what she had expected

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The sight was far worse from what she had expected. 'It is everything you have ever wanted, now go get it.' The man shoved her over the cliff and she fell towards a magma covered floor, she slammed off the volcanic rock but it was not sore. 'You are hardly graceful.' He laughed. 'But it does not matter, as in Infrinn your pain shall be no more. Now get up.' He grabbed her arm and raised her high. 'Today marks a new beginning, welcome to eternal paradise.' He stared at the magma floor and watched the rocky surface implode. 'Well newest resident, my name is Dorchadas, I am your guide to your eternal role in our little humble abode. I was a mere soul, like yourself! a few hundred, thousand years ago but then a rope cradled my neck and I awoke to fear a bhàta who took me down below. I hustled and I bustled and I proved to our God's, I am more than just a thief, I'm a businessman. They looked at me in disbelief, this scrawny little man wants to be the humans chief. I fought and I proved that humans were more than they thought, eventually they agreed... to let 'me' lead. Now here we are in a system of equality. Humans work with their gods to create universal tranquility. But where do you belong little bird, how about ... with Apate?'
'This is absurd.' Roisin Fraiser finally spoke in disbelief. 'I was not a saint but hardly evil too, I shouldn't be down here with this ghastly view.'
Dorchadas inhaled dramatically. 'I am sorry Dorchadas, I meant no offense, yes this place might be a paradise to you but for me, it misrepresents. Why am I to be punished for taking what life gave to others? Honestly Dorchadas, I balanced the scales of our brothers. And sisters, and mother's and father's and others, I righted a wrong, so no I did not conform, I took what I deserved, sly and unnerved. I prayed on there arrogance, "oh my, what a sweet little woman", honey, I'm an omen.' She rolled her eyes and turned her cold gaze to the hellish world of fiery skies.
'Ok spirit, I see you. I know the perfect match to see you through, the wrongs and inequalities for which you refused to be a slave too, your best suited to the Goddess Macha. With Macha you will live in the mortal realm, helping the Goddess battle injustices against the mortal women and children. With Macha you will not be asked to conform, you will be liberated, invigorated, facilitated! Doth thee Roisin Fraiser swear to follow thy Goddess Macha and innervate the injustices of mortal women and children?'
'I do.' Roisin Fraiser slammed her hand into the forearm of Dorchadas, she grinned as she felt excitement for the first time since her old life fell into the past.

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