{The Prince's Desire~Ch 1}

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[Pov: Y/n]

'Today was suppose to be a normal day'

I think to myself as I look around the room, seeing five hotties with horns and my unconscious roommate besides me on the couch




Hey there I'm Y/n and I'm your friendly neighborhood witch, a witch who now babysits five daemos with her friend Ava.

I should probley start from the beginning.


It was a peaceful morning for me.

I woke up and started reading a book. There was this potion I wanted to make but I couldn't quite understand the ingredient list.

Well you see here, when writing ingredients for a potion, we witches write them in special riddles so others couldn't read them unless they learned how to understand the special riddles. Anyways, here I am reading the book "Witch's Special Riddles 101".

I swear I'm a great witch but this one potion is just a bunch of nonsense.

So I'm reading on the couch in mine and my roommate's apartment, when my said roommate, Ava, walks out of her room on the phone.

"Ugh its too early to deal with life" Ava winnes after she hangs up on Lorelai. I get up and walk over to her "It's always good to get an early start Ava"

"Shut up Y/n!" I laugh softly at her "Meow" I look down to see Johnny at my feet with his empty food dish.

"Oh right we ran out of yum yums for you" Ava says.


"I ran out of munchie crunches for me!"

"Well good thing your job interview is at the grocery store" I say as I raise my finger.


"Ugh here one second" Ava heads to the kitchen and comes back with a slice of pizza and places it in Johnny's dish "I'm sorry Johnny I'll get you two bags of yum yums next time so we don't run out okay"

Ava checks her phone and gasps "Okay now I really gotta get moving" Ava makes her way to the door "Cya later Y/n bye!"

"Good luck with the interview Ava!"

"Meow" I look down at Johnny who is just staring at the pizza. Johnny then looks up at me "Meow?"

I keep looking at Johnny and smile "Alright, just don't tell Ava" I laugh.

I snap my fingers and the pizza turns in Johnny's yum yums "Meow!" Johnny snuggles against my leg and I bend down to pet him "Yes Johnny I know I'm the best~"

Johnny then proceeds to eat his food and I go back to my book.


It's been a few minutes when Johnny nudges my leg "Meow" "What is it Johnny?" Johnny heads to the door "Meow"

"You want me to follow you?" "Meow" Johnny heads out the door, which Ava forgot to close but whatever, I close the door on my way out and I follow Johnny.

Johnny takes me to the back of the building outside where the dumpster is.

"Well what do we have here" I look at the five males "Are you five cosplayers or are those horns of yours real" I say, not getting a human aura from them.

"Look another human!" One of the males say before all of them get into a defensive stance.

"I'm sorry if I startled you guys" I apologize "But I mean no harm, I'm just hear to retrieve my friend you have there" I point to Ava on the ground passed out.

"Prince Ash what shall we do" The dark blue one asks the res one.

"Looks like we will be taking two prisoners" The red one looks towards the others "Get her!" He orders.

Two out of the five charge at me, the light blue one and the green one.

The light blue one comes at me first with his sword. Before he can attack me, I grab his wrist and pull him forward and kick him in his stomach which sends him away from me.

The green one disappears from my sight and I feel his presence behind me. I turn around just in time to block his attack. I grab his arm and throw him over my shoulder.

I turn back around to see their shocked faces.

"There is no need to attack me, I really mean no harm" I smile at them.

"Woah that human is strong!"


"Now would you be kind enough to—" My vision becomes blurred and I fall to the ground, I look up to see the green one looking down at me and the rest gathers around me and my vision finally goes dark.





End of Chapter 1

(721 words)

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