{True Source Of A Woman's Power~Ch 2}

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[Pov: Y/n]

I slowly wake up and find myself on the couch. I sit up to find the five males with horns looking around the main area of the apartment. They don't seem to noice me and they head into the different rooms.

I get off the couch and shake Ava awake. Ava wakes up and looks around "Omg omg omg!"

"Ava calm down"

"How the fu-frick.." Ava shakily says an looks at me "We need to get out of here"

Ava stands up and grabs my hand. She leads us to the front door.

"The humans are escaping!" We both look toward the voice, Ava in fear and me in anointment. We both make a run for the door but get blocked by two of the males.

I pull Ava to wards the kitchen and stand in front of her. I summon an energy ball, ready to attack them with it.

The two males come around into the kitchen.

"*gasp* Magic!" The green one says in surprise. Soon two more arrive and all of them pull out their weapons.

"Back off or I'll scream" Ava says from behind me.

"Wouldn't be the first time I made a female human scream" The green on says smirking "Leif hold your tongue"

"You know what I mean"

"I thought I dreamed you guys up"

"She saw us in her sleep?" "She must have the ability to foresee us coming, humans in the world are powerful"

I speak up "What the hell are you guys talking about?"

The dark blue one puts his staff away and speaks up "We mean you two no harm"

"I thought we meant all the harm"

"Asch isn't here...please we just need help and—"

"I saw you do magic power stuff, are you the devil's servants" Ava cuts the male off.

"The devil?" "She means a demon" "Ohh"

"Hear me out, we come with peaceful intent to—"

"I uncovered it" The red one comes out of Ava's room "Huh?"

"The source of her power" "Really?"

"Asch and I found it before but we weren't sure"

"What?" Me and Ava question.

The red one then holds up one of Ava's bra and Ava goes red in the face "Woah what is that?"

"These humans are sorcerers, Rhys here" he hands who I assume is Rhys, a bra magazine.

"Fascinating, it seems like a combat guide" "It Show human females Are engaging in a fierce battle with each other with these very garments"

"That doesn't look like any kind of combat iv'e seen"

I can help but giggle a the situation and Ava hits my back trying to make me stop laughing.

Ava then grabs our frying pan and throws it at the red one which is named Asch.

Ava then runs off leaving me standing in the kitchen.


The light blue one runs after Ava and gets a hold of her, and Ava is screaming the whole time.

"Leif make peace with her" Rhys tells Leif and Leif goes towards Ava. I make my way to the couch and sit down, knowing that Ava can scream for a very long time.

I hear Ava's screams get louder and I summon my headphones and put them on, playing my favourite playlist.


It has now been 3 hours and Ava has not stopped screaming.

Suddenly Ava stoped screaming and I look up from my phone and take my headphones off.

"Looks like you finally got her to stop"

"No thanks to you human!" Asch says.

Rhys then looks at both me and Ava "Humans please forgive our intrusion but we wish to speak with the both of you"

"If we let you move will you please not scream, we promise we won't hurt you" he looks towards Ava, referring to her.

"No we don't" I hear Asch whisper.

Ava nods her head.

"Good, alright Pierce let her go" Pierce lets Ava down and pats her head afterwards. Ava then walks to my side and speaks up.

"Um what the hell are you guys?"

"That doesn't matter" Asch says, creating a fire ball "Now tell us about your worlds or—"

"Your majesty!"

"Wait so that fire magic stuff I saw before....real?"


"Wait so are you guys like Y/n?" "No Ava they are not human"

"Allow me to explain, we are from another world and go by the name Daemos"

"Your name is Daemos?"

"No..we are Daemos"

"You're all named Daemos?"

"No my name is Rhys-"

"Your world is rise?'

"Okay Ava, that's enough" I cover her mouth with my hand. I look towards Rhys and tell him to continue.

"We are from another world, our home..is..being..threatened by...a horrible monster who threatens to engulf everything we care about"

'Seriously that's a total lie' I think.

"What?" Ava says. I look towards Ava.

'She better not believe this guy..'

"That's right, so we've came here to learn about this place to discover if this world is suitable for us....to move our people here"

"Move your people here?"

"Wait that's not—" "Shh just go with it"

I look at the two males and deadpan.

'That's totally not suspicious'

"We truly have no idea where we are in this world or even how to begin living in it, so please can powerful sorcerers such as the both of you help us" Rhys bows and the others, except Asch, follow lead. Even Johnny bows as well.

Ava laughs nervously with a blush on her face "One second" She says before heading into the bathroom.

"Why is she going into the death room?"

"Perhaps to make communication"

"B-but what is she—" "Patience Noi, we need to five her trust before we can earn it ourselves"




Ava soon comes out saying that she can help the guys and takes them somewhere.


It's been a couple of minutes and I hear the door open.

"Well Ava, did you get rid-" I look at the entrance to see that Ava had bought the five back to our home.


"I'm sorry! I had no choice!"

"*sigh* I'll be in my room if you need me" I tell Ava and I head into my room.

I change out of my clothes and into my pyjamas, and call it a night.





End of Chapter 2

(965 words)

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