{Pierce Shows His Strength~Ch 23}

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[Pov: Y/n]

"We have a winner!" 

"Yay!" Ava cheers.

"Hm beginner's luck, watch this" Asch steps up to the game stand and throws the ball but misses the bottle.




"I'm not through yet!" 

Miss after miss, Asch fails to hit the bottle and soon Leif is up next.

"Heh stand aside, watch this"




He misses multiple times. Leif gets angry and picks up Noi, throwing him at the bottles.

"My stand!"

Ava runs over to Noi to check on him while I head over to the person running the game.

"I'm so sorry!"

"Y/n you should really consider the people you hang around"

"Yeah I know, but they're good people I promise"

"Fine I'll let it slide this time but only because it's you Y/n, next time I won't be forgiven at all"

"Thank you" 

I look at the damaged stand decided to use my magic to fix it up. 

"There you go, good as new"

"Thanks Y/n"

"No problem!"


Ava decided that we all go to the strongman game and Ava picks up the hammer.

Ava gets ready and brings the hammer down on the plate, no where near hitting the bell.

"Ooo tough luck lady, maybe one of these gentlemen would like to try"

"Oh I'm sure they will"

Ava then hands the hammer to Pierce and tells him to do what she did. He does it and hits the bell, leaving the game guy in shock.

Soon enough all the boys have a turn and are successful with hitting the bell.

Ava then turns to me saying how we need to split up because the police are looking for Asch, Leif and Noi because they took corn dogs from these kids.

We split up, me with Rhys, Asch and Noi, and Ava with Leif and Pierce.





End of Chapter 23

(281 words)

"f3aR W3"

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