{A Kiss For A Prince~Ch 17}

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[Pov: Y/n]

"Hmm decisions decisions"

"Too many to make, it's almost like we shouldn't make any—"

I glare at Ava, telling her to be quiet but she just looks at me with puppy dog eyes and asks to go home.

"Ava look at them" Lorelai says, point towards the guys "Look at that gleam in their eye.




"They just look stupid" Ava says.

"Oh come on Ava, they're excited...I think" I tell  her.

"I think only Lorelai is excited about this"

"Oh come on put some pep in your step! What do you have against going to the movies anyways"

"We went once and I told you it was uncomfortable"

"I told you they have new seats now and—"

"NO! That's not it" Ave says with a blush on her face.

Ava then goes on to explain what happened at the movies long ago. After that conversation, Ava went to check on the boys while I went to go get us the tickets.

As I'm In line I look over to see Lorelai talking to the boys. I could listen in on them, so I use my magic to do so.




"What the hell.." I whisper to myself "why is she telling them about kissing..."

After I get the tickets I head over to the group, which Ava has also joined back with.

"What's going on.." I ask, taking a look a the Daemos.

"Oh nothing!" Lorelai says "Since Y/n got the tickets, we should go get the snacks now"

So we all go to the snack counter and get some popcorn.

After we get our snacks we head into the theatre. As we get in the theatre, Asch and Leif fight over who sits beside Ava. While that is happening, Rhys comes over to me.

"Lady Y/n, may I sit next to you?" He asks

I'm a little caught off guard but say yes anyways. I sit between Lorelai and Rhys. Me and Lorelai make small talk while waitin for the movie to start.

I quite like Lorelai, even if she can be a bit much sometimes.

Finally the movie starts and it's not the best choice but okay nonetheless, but Rhys does keep asking me questions which is bothersome.

Soon enough we get kicked out of the movies for being too loud and we head back to the apartment.

I'm in the living room with the boys as Ava walks in after saying goodbye to Lorelai.

Ava walks in and thanked the guys for getting them kicked out. Ava then runs up to each one of the boys and gives them a kiss on the cheek to avoid the talk of marriage. I frown when I see all the boys blushing after receiving a kiss and I head to my room.

Why were they all so happy, I mean they only wanted to marry Ava for her "magic" and why was I so upset about this...





End of Chapter 17

(465 words)

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