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I get to Eddie's and get out and put my hood up since max lives across the street from Eddie. I walk up to his door and I knock on the door and Eddie opens it.

"well hello sweetheart." Eddie says with a smile and lets me in. "hi handsome, what are we gonna do tonight." I say setting my things down and grab his clothes out and hands them to him. "here you go." I say and look him in the eyes.

"thank you and watch movies sweetheart." Eddie says with a big smile and grabbing the movies he got today. "soo you never told me you worked at family video." Eddie says walking to his room.

I follow him "yep with Steve the hair Harrington and Robin." I say looking at him sitting down on his bed.

"did you fuck him too?" Eddie says looking at me. "nah he's my best friend i wouldn't do that even tho I know he likes me." I say and grab the movies from him.

I hand him "Halloween" and get into his bed more and watch him turn the lights off and turn the movie on and he gets in bed next to me and I cuddle into him watching the movie.

-after the movie-

"you want some ice cream sweetheart." Eddie says and looks down at me since I was laying on his lap while he plays with my hair.

"yes, can we share tho cause i very tired." I say looking at him and he nods and he gets up going to get ice cream and comes back with a bowl with a some ice cream and one spoon and gets in bed next to me and we start to eat the ice cream together.

-Max's p.o.v-

Max rides her skate board to mikes house to see Dustin and Lucas over there.

"soo your sister is fucking eddie." Max says to Mike. "what why ?!" Mike yells out. "well her car is over there and she tried to hide it behind his trailer." Max says and looks at him. "can we go beat his ass." Mike says. "no don't and it's to late anyways." Dustin says.

"I'm gonna hurt her." Mike says. "she's older then you how does that work." Max says and laughs. Mike grabs the house phone "what's his number!" Mike yells.

"not giving you can yell at her tomorrow, let's just play d&d while max just watches her movie." Dustin says.

-y/n p.o.v-

asleep in Eddie's arms. Eddie playing with my hair slowly falling asleep.

-next morning-

Eddie wakes me up. "work time sweetheart." Eddie says in a morning voice I wake up and turn and put the covers back over me. "no i dont wanna." I mumble and close my eyes.

Eddie gets up and gets my clothes ready for me and walks into the bathroom and sets them down on the counter and starts a shower for me and walks back and picks me up. "come on sweetheart I have a shower going for you." Eddie says

Eddie walks you to the bathroom and sets you down. "have a good shower love, I'll get your bags ready for you to leave." Eddie says and walks out and gets my bags ready and he puts one of his hellfire club shirt in your bag and then grabs my car keys and walks out to my car, puts your bags in and then starts it to get it ready and walks back in.

"I'm ready to leave now." I say walking up to him and he wraps his arms around me and looks me in the eyes. "I think I'm in love with you." Eddie says and i smiles big and I hug him tight and he leans in and kisses me and I kiss back.

"Ok ok ok work time I don't want you late sweetheart." Eddie says and kisses my forehead "bye sweetheart." Eddie says and I wave and walk out and go to my car and go to work.

тяυє ℓσνє. -Eddie munson x readerWhere stories live. Discover now