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you go up to Steve's window and knock on it sitting there. "steve?" you say as he opens the window his face covered in bruises and blood.

"holy shit!" you yell and go inside and check his face. "sit down let me clean this up, he did that to you!?" I say grabbing a first-aid kit from the closet outside his room and come back in and start to clean up his face.

"I wanted to tell him cause I didn't want him to hurt you.." Steve says while he's flinching while cleaning up the blood.

Eddie and Robin come in through the window. "hey man." Eddie says looking at Steve. "why is he here, did he hurt you?" Steve says and starts to check me for bruises. "hey hey no he came here to apologize, right." I say still cleaning Steve's face up.

"yes, so I'm sorry you probably should have said you guys were drunk." Eddie says. "I don't get it, you guys just meet and y'all already down each other's throats." Steve says.

"steve just apologize." I say looking at him. "no, he can go fuck himself." Steve says and I look at Eddie. "he's jealous don't let it get to you, he's been in love with y/n since she got out of the relationship with billy." Robin says looking at Eddie.

I bandage up Steve's face and give a kiss on his forehead. "your gonna be ok, just drink water and rest." I say and I can feel eyes staring at me and turn around.

"will you two quit it already, i get it I made out with him I wasn't even with you at the time that it happened. he's my best friend so don't start saying stuff cause I kissed his forehead either munson." I say and look at him.

"now apologize, you guys are acting like children." I say looking at them both.

Steve looks at me. "he says sorry." I say looking at Eddie. "now you both can calm down understand." I say looking at them and they both nod.

-back home-

"y/n !" Mike yells running into my room. "again with the barging into my room but what's up." I say pausing my cassette on my walkman and taking my headphones off. "El, will, Jonathan, Jonathan's friend and suzie are all coming to Hawkins, since none of you wanted to go to cali and suzie is just coming to see dustin." Mike says smiling.

I nod. "that's cool, now go" I say lookin at him. "why should i go ?" Mike says looking at me suspicious. "cause I said." I say getting up pushing him out by his forehead and shut the door and lock it and sit back on my bed and put my headphones back on and start to play the cassette again and take the weed back out and continue to smoke it.

-a little while later-

"y/n!" Karen yells up to you. "what!" I yell back smoking the last joint and going out of my room going downstairs. "dinners done sweetie." Karen says and we walk to the table. I stop it my tracks "Eddie what are you doing here?" I say and walk over to him sitting down.

"hi sweetheart." Eddie says with a smile that smile giving you thousands of butterflies and your face turns red. "that's my munson." I whisper to him. "so who invited you?" I ask "well Mike." Eddie laughs.

I nod my head and eat dinner.

"y/n your doing the dishes tonight." Karen says looking at me and i roll my eyes and nod. "y/n wheeler!" Karen says. "mhm sorry mom." I say and get up and walk to the kitchen with my plate and set it in the sink.

"now you see how she is at home, still wanna be with her?" Mike says trying to convince Eddie not to like you.

"I can hear you, I'm not like dad." I say walking back to the table and grabbing more plates, Eddie stands up helping me.

"thank you love." I say and kiss him on the cheek and walk to the sink with him. "gross." Mike says and makes a throw up noise. "not like you do it with El." I say and start to wash the dishes. Eddie standing behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist, him watching me wash the dishes.

"get a room!" Nancy and Mike say. I flip them off and continue to do the dishes. Eddie start kissing my neck softly. "not here love." I whisper to him and fishing cleaning everything up and walk upstairs with Eddie shutting the door behind us and we sit down on my bed.

"I don't have work tomorrow so you can stay the night munson." I say with a smile and he nods. "you can pick a movie out for us." I say and show him all the movies you have.

"why a movie to keep them from hearing you?" Eddie says. "Edward Munson!" I say looking at him as he grins.

"gosh your such a freak." I say giggling and put in a random movie and sit down next to him and he starts to kiss me and kiss my neck. "I bet I'm better then billy." Eddie whispers into my ear making me smirk. "well let's see then munson" I say and wink at him..

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