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-authors pov-

"woah i-i'm sorry just wasn't paying attention." y/n says looking into Eddie's eyes and Eddie holding onto y/n so she didn't fall. "your ok sweetheart, you would have fallen back down if I didn't catch you." Eddie says with a smile making y/n melt.

she quickly gets out of his arms and runs up the stairs into the bathroom and leans against the door and slides down it just putting her legs to her chest and her head on her knees.

-y/n's pov-

just tell him your in love with him..

"shut up get out of my head" I yelled to myself hoping no one heard me. I feel a knock on the door I stand up fast and open the door to be faced with eleven.

"El !" I scream and hug her tight. Eleven laughs and hugs back. "where's will and Jonathan?" I question her and she points to the front door. "Ok, Mike is downstairs." I say and I run past her and go over to will and Jonathan hugging them.

"I missed you guys." I say still hugging them. "where's Nancy at?" Jonathan says. "I actually have no clue maybe up in her room." I say with a smile and then take will downstairs el following behind.

Mike, Dustin and Lucas all run over and hug El and Will.

"who's that?" Eddie whispers to me. "that's eleven and will, our best friends I mean more like mikes but still." I say with a smile looking at Eddie and he looks back making me melt again.

"you ok?" Eddie ask and I nod laying my head on his chest and I feel him wrap his arms around me. I start to feel multiple eyes on us and I pull away.

"y/n has a boyfriend!" El shouts out still in mikes arms. "no their not dating i told them their not allowed." Mike says. I roll my eyes at him and look at Steve, Robin, Chrissy and Jason.

"I mean it's not like their both madly in love with each other just won't say it to each other." Robin says making my face turn bright red and I feel Steve eyes staring right through me.

I take off running upstairs and go into the bathroom and throw up.

-authors pov-

"is she ok, she looked sick." Will questioned looking at all of us. "I'll go check on her." Chrissy says getting up walking up the stairs and to the bathroom.

Chrissy knocks quietly on the door making y/n crawl over to the door and unlocks it telling her to come in.

Chrissy walks in and shuts the door kneeling next to y/n. "what happened." Chrissy says with a worried look and stands back up grabbing a washcloth and gets it wet with warm water and kneels back down and wipes y/n mouth.

"It's true I am madly in love with him..I have been since i first met him...b-but then I could just feel Steves eyes burning a hole through m-." y/n stops and throws up all over Chrissy.

Chrissy makes a face but then looks back up at y/n and can see the sadness in her eyes. "hey hey it's ok calm down, let's go get me some new clothes and get you in the bath." Chrissy says with a small smile trying to make y/n feel better.

-chrissys pov-

I stand up and help up y/n flushing the toilet after wiping the puke off my clothes.

we walk up the stairs me still holding onto her and we get to her room i set her on the bed and start to go through her closet grabbing myself a old cheer shirt (because there's one time in y/n's life she went to cheer..) then grabs some shorts.

I get undressed and get dressed quickly.. starting to look for some clothes for y/n grabbing her a baggy band t shirt and plaid pajama pants.

I pick her up by her arm and walk her to the bathroom and set her down on the toilet then set her clothes down, going next to the tub and turn it on making sure the water was a perfect temperature.

I help y/n get undressed (I've done this a lot of time, she goes to parties i drive her home she throws up all over I help her to the bathroom.. but that's what happens when you drink and smoke at a young age I guess..)

I set up to candles in the bathroom and turn the lights off and then sit next to the tub with y/n.


-authors pov-

after two hours of y/n laying in the tub rambling to Chrissy, she finally gets out and gets dressed walking to her room as Chrissy follows her sitting on the bed with y/n and starts to brush through her hair..

*knock knock*

"come in." chrissy says looking at the door.

Eddie walking in then shutting the door behind him and walking over to the bed sitting down looking y/n in the face.

"is my sweetheart ok." Eddie says putting his hand on top of her hand.

"im ok, just to much alcohol and then got overwhelmed." y/n says looking up at eddie with a small smile.

"I gave her a bath and just brushed her hair, but I gotta get going home now." Chrissy says standing up y/n looking at her with puppy dog eyes.

"fine I'll stay just let me go call my parents." Chrissy says with a smile and walks out the door.

Eddie grabs onto y/n's face gently and kisses her and she slowly kisses back him tasting her cherry chapstick on her lips a small smile slipping and they continue to make out.

y/n hears footsteps and pulls away fast slightly giggling and Eddie stands up quick as Chrissy walks back in looking at both of them.

"well my parents said yes also Robin and Steve left already." Chrissy says looking at y/n.

"well that's rude not even saying goodbye." y/n says crossing her arms.

"big baby sometimes." Eddie says giving y/n a quick kiss "im gonna head home also, have fun you two." Eddie says walking out of the room down the stairs and out the door.

тяυє ℓσνє. -Eddie munson x readerWhere stories live. Discover now