I'm shining like fireworks, over your sad empty town

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Me: *thinking very deeply about an unfinished Glorybringer human AU WIP where Tsunami actually ships them and then proceeds to lock them in a closet and then it ends because I got bored of it* 

Me: That's so dumb and cringe hahaha 

Also Me: *posts it below* 

That was your warning to the unedited, unfinished, nonsensical piece of Glorybringer that I have not looked at for a long time now. CRINGE AND NONSENSE SECOND WARNING!!! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! 

Tsunami stood silently, staring at Glory and Deathbringer with an unreadable expression. They looked lovely together, Glory's sunkissed, golden skin against his dark coloring.

Of course, Tsunami reasoned, Glory could have looked good with anybody. Her eyes were a clever emerald green, her facial features delicate and sharp. The dress she was wearing now accentuated the curves she had hid for most of her young life, flaring out at the hips in colorful bursts. She would have never worn something this bright when they were in the cave, but she was even more beautiful now with her new pride in her tribe.

Tsunami hated -hated- to admit it, but Deathbringer was pretty good-looking as well. His black hair was slicked back, and his suit somehow looked easygoing and effortless. His face held that obnoxious smug smirk that Glory seemed to go crazy over, and his purple-black eyes flickered with intent.

That couple could take over the world with their beauty, not even to mention their endless supply of annoying wit and comments. Even now, they were arguing. They were always arguing or flirting or jabbing at each other.

"They're such a power couple," a voice said into Tsunami's ear. She jumped, whirling around to Riptide's smiling face.

"Hardly," Tsunami lied, rolling her eyes. "We're much better, obviously."

Riptide's smile grew. "You bring most of the power, but I am compelled to agree."

Tsunami's boyfriend lacked the easy beauty that Deathbringer was blessed with, but his genuine, sweet features made him much more handsome in Tsunami's eyes.

"They're not even an official couple," Tsunami added, "even if we all know they looooove each other."

Riptide put one arm around her, lightly. Another reason why Riptide was better than Deathbringer - he trusted her to protect both of them. Deathbringer knew Glory was completely capable of protecting herself... and he insisted on being her bodyguard anyway.

"We should help them," Riptide said, unexpectedly. "I mean, it's painful at this point, to watch them."

Tsunami smiled at him. "Are you suggesting matchmaking? Because you know that Glory'll hate that."

Riptide choke-laughed. "So I guess that means you're in?"
Tsunami gave him the sweetest smile she could muster and smoothed down her ocean-blue dress. "I'm in."

Glory hated this feeling. This was just too perfect - the place, the music, the person, - therefore, something was wrong.

She knew she was being paranoid, but that was her mindset for anything, and everything was making her anxious tonight.

Her hands slid down her low, sweetheart neckline and her full skirt. Were they too...suggestive? Or tacky? Most of her life in the cave was spent wearing baggy, plain clothing to hide herself further from her abusive guardians. Only recently had she abandoned her drab outfits to wear clothes that actually looked okay on her. She was still figuring it out, with the help of the fashion-forward Kinkajou.

She had always been known as the "pretty" one in her friend group, but she felt so dull next to Deathbringer. She would rather die than admit it, but he was worryingly gorgeous. More than one pair of eyes were checking him out.

"Glory? Are you okay?" His voice broke her out of her thoughts.

"I'm fine," She rushed to say, spitting it out with more acid than she meant to.

Deathbringer gave her a concerned glance, but didn't press her on it.

She cleared her throat. She didn't want to ruin the evening with her clumsiness or inexperience. "You look... presentable... tonight." That was the most she could offer.

His familiar smirk reappeared in its full strength. "An understatement, but thank you. My Queen looks ravishing, obviously. You always look stunning."

Glory felt her cheeks flush, and she was certain that Deathbringer had seen. "You always flatter me."

He just shrugged. "I just tell the truth."

She didn't know what to do about that when Tsunami walked up to them.

Tsunami's gown reminded Glory of flowing waves, different shades of sea blue that started from one shoulder to the floor. Pearls completed the look, giving Tsunami an elegance that Glory knew that she lacked.

"Glory," Tsunami said testily, shooting Deathbringer a look. The two hated each other, although Glory couldn't quite figure out to what extent.

"Tsunami," Glory answered back with an equal amount of strength. She'd had a mild crush on her impulsive friend when they were very young, before she realized that Tsunami was idiotically reckless and proud. Still, she always had an extra burst of annoyance for her.

"I have someone who wants to talk to you," Tsunami explained, grabbing Glory's wrist as an attempt to drag her away.

Glory didn't move. "Who?"

"A very, very, very handsome...." Tsunami hesitated for a split second. ".....Icewing."

Glory rolled her eyes. "An Icewing wants to meet a Queen of the Nightwings? You're extremely believable, you know that?"

Deathbringer's eyes actually seemed to twinkle with amusement. "Actually, I think you should meet this very, very, very handsome Icewing. Of course, with my supervision."

Glory gave him a look like he went insane. It was possible that he had.

Tsunami rolled her eyes but nodded. She led them out of the ballroom and into a hallway. It was surrounded by brown doors and plush carpets, all tinged yellow in the light of the candles.

"Wow. That Icewing is really hot," Glory deadpanned at the empty hallway. "What was the point of this, Tsunami?"

Tsunami smiled, revealing her pearly whites. "The point of this was that we were annoyed by you two pretending not to be in love."

With that, she opened one of the brown doors, shoved the idiots inside, and locked it.

"You did what?" Riptide yelled.

Tsunami shrugged. "You wanted me to help them get together. So, I locked them inside a closet. Easy."

Riptide put his head in his hands and stayed like that for a couple minutes. "....That's not what I....they need to eat eventually," he finally said.

"Give them 24 hours," Tsunami reasoned. "This'll totally work."

Riptide groaned and only shook his head. The thought of just freeing poor Glory and Deathbringer crossed his mind, but he didn't want to fight Tsunami for the key she had swiped from the palace guard.

Sometimes, he couldn't fathom how Glory hadn't murdered Tsunami in the cave. 

End ~ I'll leave the rest to your imagination ~ 

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