Chapter 27

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Their trip ended and Lucy's summer was passing quickly in Romania with a single thing on her mind.

Regulus Black.

"I don't know how to get to him," Lucy chewed on her bottom lip, "not without those things trying to drag me under."

"Do you even know he's there?"
James asked, a concerned look on his face.

"Positive." Lucy said, "I've been having visions of it practically everyday now and I saw him, Dad, I saw him in the water."

"We don't want you getting hurt," Lily frowned, "just promise you won't attempt to go alone?"

"No, I wouldn't dream of it," Lucy assured them, scribbling something from the textbook she was paging through onto a piece of scrap parchment.

"Are you going to bring Charlie then?" James asked, "or Eric? You've been researching this with him, yes?"

"No, no." Lucy said absentmindedly. "What? Oh, yes, I've been researching it with Eric, but no, I've written to Harry, I'm expecting him here in a couple hours actually."

"Are you sure it's Regulus?" Lily asked.

"No," Lucy admitted, "but it feels right. I've been trying to alter Accio so it will suit for a person..."

"What have I said about spellcrafting?" Lily frowned.

"Yes, I know, Mum," Lucy sighed, "but I've exhausted all my other options."

She raised her wand.

"Accipersona Charlie."

Something flew into her closed door, it was definitely not heavy enough to be Charlie.

"Lucy!" His voice came from the kitchen. "What are you doing? Did you just summon my boot?"

"Sorry!" Lucy called back.

"Well that didn't work," James commented.

"No, it didn't," Lucy turned the page of the textbook, "a little more tweaking and it should though..."

When Harry got there, Lucy's spell was no further along then when she had summoned Charlie's boot.

He had taken one look at her unbrushed hair, stained clothes and bags under her eyes, shook his head, and collapsed on her bed for a nap.

"Load of help he is," Lucy grumbled as Harry's snores filled the room.

He wasn't utterly helpless at least, Lucy thought, he gave her another target to practice on that wasn't Charlie.

"Accorpus Harry Potter." Lucy raised her wand.

Harry woke up with a yell as he went flying towards Lucy's, who had just enough time to jump out of the way, Harry hitting the wall with a bang.

"What the bloody fuck, Lucille!" Harry groaned, rubbing his back.

"I did it!" Lucy grinned, "Harry! I did it!"

"Did what?"

Lucy ignored him, "listen, we have to go back to the caves."

Harry stared at her, "I'm sorry—what?"

"The caves, Harry, we have to go back."

"Are you mad? I'm not going back there!"

"Come on, it'll be fine," Lucy persuaded, "besides, Voldemort is dead so..."

"The creepy arse creatures in the lack definitely aren't!" Harry said.

"But I've got a spell!" Lucy said, "we'll be perfectly safe."

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