Chapter 7: Infiltration

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     Back at the Athens City Asylum, Natasha, Craig, and a small group of police scientists investigate the double-homicide of one prisoner and one guard. A forensic scientist approaches Natasha and Craig with a puzzled look on his face.

"Did you find any evidence related to the murders?" Natasha anxiously asked the young scientist.

"Studies are inconclusive. I'm sorry, detective. All I got on the victims were the fact they were around the same age. Also, the camera feeds show nothing, so maybe the killer cut the feeds before they arrived. What's interesting, however, is that the bodies were found right next to each other." The forensic scientist finished his analysis. Natasha looks stressed.

"It has to be him. The mysterious killer we've been looking for." Natasha looks absolutely sure of her conclusion.

"Detectives, you might want to see this." Another officer called the three. They walk towards the officer and the officer shows them an horrifying display of decapitated bodies of multiple prison guards, placed in a small, outdoor office. There was blood everywhere.

"This was all one man? Your killer?" The young forensic scientist doubted Natasha's initial conclusion.

"Yeah, he's good. Very good." She looked down at the bodies in rage. "We need to question the other guards in the prison." Natasha told the officer.

"We already did that while they were transporting the prisoners. They've got nothing." Upon the officer's response, Natasha kicked one of the shed doors closed. Meanwhile, Eliard Shawn is at the police station. He's in a empty room, with a vent door open, on his laptop. He replaces all security footage with a loop video. In his backpack, there is a silenced pistol. He's wearing a black and red motorcycle jacket, and black gloves. He has a dark red and black colored mask next to his laptop. As he finishes up on his laptop, he puts on his mask. He puts his laptop back in his backpack, puts his gun in his holster, and heads out the door behind him. The halls are empty, but he hears two distinct voices around the corner. He peeks around, sees only two police officers, and goes back into hiding. He takes out a knife and heads towards the guards. He punches one and stabs another through the bottom of the mouth. The surviving officer is about to call for help but Eliard fatally stabs him. He cleans the blade with the officer's uniform and heads towards a records room. The room has file cabinets but there's also a computer, already logged in. He goes towards the computer and takes off his mask.

"Aaron Tucker. Where are you?" He says under his breath as he types in the name. A record comes up on the screen. It's a young, handsome man with blue eyes and dark blonde hair. Eliard looks at the address and employment listed for Aaron.

"Found you. Time for a reunion, old friend." He downloads the digital file onto his flash drive and then looks up everything related to his murder history. His murder history is under a file named, "Ghost Killer". He chuckles at the name and deletes the file. He heads out and encounters a young, male police officer.

"Stay right where you are!" The young officer takes out his gun and points it at Eliard. Eliard just laughs sinisterly and walks towards the frightened officer. The officer clocks his gun, but Eliard disarms him by breaking his arms. He then punches the officer's neck and pushes him. He then takes out his silenced pistol and walks towards the officer, who is on the floor. He aims it, point blank, at the officer's heart.

"What good of an officer are you, when you don't even know how to handle one man, properly?" Eliard tells the anxious and frightened officer. He then pulls the trigger. Blood and brain splatters to the floor behind the officer's head and he drops dead. Eliard heads back towards the room, from where he arrived. He goes back into the vents and closes the vent door. Afterwards, Natasha and Craig arrive back at the station and a female officer approaches them.

"What the hell happened here?" Craig questions the anxious looking officer.

"Someone infiltrated the station and left without a trace. We don't know why they were here. All of our guests are in their cells and no one was kidnapped. We checked records and everything is in tact. Nothing was stolen. They could have accessed the computer."

"Can't you check the camera feeds? Or the guards who were supposed to be guarding the records room?" Craig aggressively asked the officer. Natasha didn't look happy with the reports.

"They were found dead." Natasha angrily turns her head upon hearing that. "Two of them were stabbed and one of them was shot in the head. We're going to analyze the bullet that killed him and see where it takes us." The officer finishes.

"How the hell did he get access to the computer?" Natasha furiously questioned the officer.

"I don't know! We checked the log-in history, it was last logged in this morning. The infiltrator must have had easy access." The officer tells the outraged Natasha.

"Who accessed the computer in the morning?" Natasha asked her.

"Officer Alex Barren. He's right over there." The officer points at a distressed male officer, who's sitting on a chair with his right leg shaking.

"Hey, Barren!" The jumpy officer gets up and notices Natasha walking towards him.

"Yes, detec..." Natasha punches the officer in the face. The whole room full of officers react, shocked. A older looking, male officer approaches Natasha.

"Hey! What the hell, detective?" The male officer pulls Natasha by the shoulder. Natasha just looks at the anxious officer she punched.

"Why would you leave the computer accessible? How could you be so irresponsible?" Natasha furiously asked the anxious officer.

"I forgot to log out, it was a mistake! I'm sorry!" The officer looks scared.

"You better be! This will never happen again, you hear me?" Natasha declares to the officer. The officer nods in agreement. Natasha walks away and Craig follows.

"He was here. Our killer. This is his work." Natasha divulges to Craig as they head to their office.

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