Ch12: Duchess Raelynn

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I thought they'd let me head to my lands on my own. I thought it'd be some distant backwater land. I thought I'd have to grab Lilith by the neck to prevent her from razing the Kingdom to the ground for the insult. I was wrong.

Daigo: Well? What do you think?

Before my eyes lie a palace. There's simply no other word to describe it but a building fit for royalty. Surely this isn't a simple duchy!

Daigo: Eritrea used to be a small Kingdom before being annexed. You might find some of the architecture a bit...luxurious compared to what you'd otherwise expect.

Me: It'll do nicely.

Daigo: I'm sure, but there are a few matters to attend to before settling in. First we need to get you introduced to the people. There's also the matter of securing the members of your household.

Me: My household?

Daigo: Servants, retainers and the like. Normally, I'd choose them but I've been told you are rather picky in regards to who you choose to serve you so I'll let you handle it instead. 

Me: I already have-

Arashi: Lady Raelynn! Do you really think one maid will be sufficient to clean all this?

She waves her hand exaggeratingly at the massive garden, the lawn and the palace.

Arashi: You need gardeners, maids, butlers, knights to protect it all, ladies in waiting-

Me: Ok, ok. I get it. I'll look into getting more people.

Daigo: Don't worry about costs. The crown-

Me: Will do nothing. My land, my responsibility.

Daigo: I-it will be rather expensive to start-

Me: I'll be fine.

Daigo: V-very well then. Shall we visit the barracks?

Hmmm...right now, I have only a few people with me so it would be crucial to get more but I don't know. This feels rushed. 

Raelynn's Current Household:

Lilith - Currently serving as Raelynn's personal guard/lady-in-waiting

Regina - Maid

Joanne - Knight

Elise - Head Cook

Lilly - Currently assisting her mother as a Cook.

Me: I think I'd like to introduce myself to the people first.

Daigo: Are you certain?

Me: Yes. I'd also like to learn more about Eritrea.

Daigo: Well, as far as the latter is concerned, Eritrea is as it were when independent. It is self-sufficient in that it produces all it needs with excess. It also has a decent military but you may find they require training to turn them into a true force. Beyond that, you'll have to discover-

Me: What happened to the previous family?

Daigo: They tried to procure independence. They lost the war and now the entire family is imprisoned. It'll be part of your duty to decide what to do with them.

Me: That's enough information for what I plan to do.

All: Huh?

It takes some time to gather the people together but everyone comes quickly, including the existing order of knights that had been keeping the peace while awaiting a new Duke/Duchess. 

King Daigo takes centerstage, proclaiming my new title before introducing me proper. As I step forward, there are some cheers from the crowd but most seem curious as to why the sudden appointment. 

Me: I'm not good at speeches so I'll get straight to the point. I won't pretend as though I know the history of this great land. Nor will I pretend to know how to solve all your problems. All I promise is to be a duchess you can be proud of. I cannot promise a lifetime of peace but I promise that you will not suffer throughout long years of war. I cannot promise riches but I swear to you today, as your duchess, that I will make this land one where you can feel safe. I will make this land one where no man, woman or child needs go bed hungry and cold. I will ensure Eritrea's prosperity. All I ask, in return, is your support. This is your land, after all, as much as it is mine and we can only make things better by working together. 

Joanne steps up beside me, taking my hand in hers as she kneels before me.

Joanne: Your Grace.

She presses her lips against my gloved fingers.

The crowd joins her, men and boys bending the knee as ladies curtsy. 

Crowd: Your Grace!

Duchy of Eritrea

Name: Duchy of Eritrea / Kingdom of Eritrea (inactive)
Ruler: Duchess Raelynn de Eritrea
Class: Semi-Autonomous Region
Capital: Hestia
Populace: 1.56 million
Counties: Joseon, Luxem, Faris, York, Marseille
Cities/Large Towns: Hestia, Fern, Luxem, Pharis, Lille

A/N: The term household in this world (in a nobility context) refers not just to the noble's family but also household staff such as butlers, retainers, maids, cooks, etc.

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