Enchanted Forest, before the curse:

Eleanor was stood in her garden by her rampions as she thought about Rapunzel and what she had done. She had hurt her daughter and pushed her away and now she was with that prince and didn't want anything to do with her anymore. She wanted nothing more than to have her daughter and grandchildren with her, far away from the prince who first stole her daughter's heart and then her innocence. She needed to find a way to get revenge.

The witch sighed as suddenly the queen appeared in a puff of purple smoke. "Regina, what are you doing here?" She asked as she looked at the younger brunette.

Regina smirked slightly at the witch. "Eleanor, I must say your garden looks awful ever since your little flower left you. But luckily I have a way for us both to get revenge and for you to get Rapunzel back. I'm going to cast a curse, a curse that will bring us to a land without magic where the only happy ends will be ours. Everyone will lose their memories and will be seperated from their loved ones. Well, everyone but you. You will have your daughter and grandchildren back and she wouldn't remember her prince. " She explained to her and smiled. She was excited to finally get her revenge on Snow White.

"You would do all of that for me? Why? What do you want in return?" The older woman asked. She knew everything came with a price with Regina. She was of course happy about the idea of having her beloved daughter with her again, far away from the prince but she didn't want to be too optimistic.

Regina was glad Eleanor seemed interested. "Well, this curse requires certain ingredients and one of them is a magic bean. I know you have some in your garden. " she told her and opened her palm, waiting for her to give her the bean.

Eleanor didn't hesitate for a moment. She walked over to the plant in question and plugged a bean from the plant before heading back to Regina and handing her the bean.

"It was nice doing business with you as usual. " the queen said and smirked before disappearing in purple smoke again.



Of course Eleanor had noticed her daughter waving at the boy. She was secretly fuming as that boy was the prince and she didn't want her daughter near him, however she would deal with her daughter later,  after work. Right now she needed to focus on her clients.

After a long day at the salon she finally finished up and escorted her last client to the door before she turned to her daughter. "Who was that boy you saw earlier?" Eleanor asked, cutting right to the case. She raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at Rosalie and stared her down.

Rosalie frowned and gulped slightly as she heard her mother's question. "No one important really. Just someone from school." She replied which wasn't a lie. She knew Jamie from school but her mother couldn't know that she had a little crush on him. The blonde ran a hand through her hair and shrugged.

Eleanor nodded and was satisfied with that answer for now. She didn't want to worry about that boy again and hoped he wouldn't be a problem. The curse would hopefully keep them apart. "Right. Now we should get home." She told her and grabbed her keys and jacket.

Nodding, Rosalie got up and got the twins in their stroller before getting out with her mother. They walked the short distance to their home in silence as Rosalie thought about the twins' father and Jamie. She never really understood why her mother was so protective of her but she guessed it had to do with her ex. As they reached the house she brought the twins straight to bed and then helped her mother with dinner. 

Eleanor smiled softly as she watched her daughter. She was so grateful to have her back with her but she was worried she would fall for the prince again. She needed to make sure that would never happen. She didn't want to lose Rapunzel and the twins again. The grey haired woman took the chicken and started to cut it into pieces for dinner while Rosalie chopped the vegetables. The quickly cooked dinner together and then ate.

Once they had finished, Eleanor took the dishes to the sink. "You can go upstairs and do your homework. I'll do the dishes." She told her and smiled at her daughter. Rapunzel was hers and hers alone though she was very worried the curse would some day break and then she would find her real parents. That could never happen.

Rosalie nodded slowly. "Alright, Mom. But tomorrow I'll help you." She said and headed upstairs to her room, being quiet so she wouldn't wake the kids. She was a very good girl who always offered her help to her mother. She was just so grateful her mother took her back in after she broke up with the twins' father after she had been so mean to her. Her mother was truly the best mother out there. She was sure of it.

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