Rosalie rested for a while but she couldn't really relax. So the young blonde decided to take a walk, get some fresh air to clear her head. It was nice to get some time off for herself for once since she was usually busy with school, taking care of the twins and baby sitting.

The blonde headed to the park and sat down on a bench as Jamie walked by. She smiled and waved at him.

Jamie smiled when he saw Rosalie and walked over to her. "Hey, I missed you in school today." He told her as he sat down next to her. He had a huge crush on her but he was scared because of her mother. Everyone knew that Eleanor guarded her daughter like a treasure. Rosalie was off limits for every boy in town.

Rosalie blushed when he said that and looked into his deep blue eyes when he sat next to her. She knew she wasn't supposed to talk to him but her mother wouldn't have to know. "Yeah I had a tough night and so my mom allowed me to stay home." She explained to him with a soft smile.

He nodded and smiled at her. "Well, I hope you feel better now. How is baby sitting going?" He asked curiously since he knew she did baby sitting for the mayor.

"Henry is a good kid but lately he is having a hard time. He just found his birth mother and things aren't easy at home. But otherwise it's going great. Regina pays well." She told him and sighed a bit as she thought about Henry and his fairytale fantasy and then her dream from last night came to her mind again. She wondered if Henry could be right.

"Oh yeah I heard his birth mother is in town now. Maybe it will help him." Jamie answered and shrugged. He smiled at her and wanted to reach out to stroke her beautiful hair but that wouldn't be right. "Do you want to come to Granny's with me?" He asked her and hoped she would say yes.

The blonde sighed. Her mother would completely freak out if she found out but she really wanted to go out with Jamie and spend more time with him. "Uhm, sure. But I have to be back home by 5pm." She explained to him.

He smiled and was very glad she said yes. "Of course. We wouldn't want you to get in trouble with your mom." He answered and then went to the diner with her. He wondered what would happen if Eleanor found out but he guessed he didn't want to find out.

The blonde nodded and sighed slightly. She really didn't want her mother to know since she knew Eleanor would ruin it. They walked to Granny's and sat down in a booth when they arrived.

Rosalie ordered tea for herself and a chicken salad and kept talking to Jamie. She really liked him and kinda hoped they could be together. They spent the afternoon together at the diner just talking to eachother and completely forgot about the time.

"Shit. You need to get home before your mom comes home. Shall I bring you home?" Jamie asked as he realized that it was almost 5pm. He didn't want her to get in trouble with her mom because of him.

"Oh, yes. That would be nice. Thank you." The blonde answered as they got up and paid. She was surprised with how concerned he was for her. It was very nice.

Jamie smiled and walked the short distance to Eleanor's mansion with her and kissed her cheek lovingly as a goodbye.

Rosalie blushed when he kissed her cheek and then quickly walked into the house. She went to her room and sat down on her bed, thinking about Jamie and the great time she had with him. However, her mother could never know.


Eleanor finished up at the salon and then picked up the twins from the day care and took them home. When she arrived, she took the twins out of the stroller and put them in their play pen. "Rosalie?!" She called out as she didn't see her daughter anywhere. She hoped her daughter had stayed home and not gone out behind her back.

The young blonde heard her mother's voice and walked downstairs. "I'm here, Mom." She said and walked over to her and kissed her cheek. "How was your day?" She asked and watched the twins playing.

"It was alright. Just the usual. How was your day? Did you get the rest you needed?" Eleanor questioned her daughter and looked closely at her, trying to see if she was hiding anything. Ever since Emma Swan came to town she was extra cautious.

The blonde nodded slowly and ran a hand through her long hair. "Yes, I did, Mom. Thanks for letting me stay home and handling the twins." She said softly and smiled at her. She was so happy right now that she got to spend the day with Jamie and that he obviously liked her too. Her mother could never know though or things might end badly.

Eleanor looked at her daughter. She seemed awfully cheerful. Something was different and she needed to find out what. "It was no problem. You are usually so busy with school, the twins and your babysitting job. I wanted to give you a break for once." She told her and cupped her cheek lovingly though she noticed that something was definitely going on. She didn't like this one bit. She needed to find out what was going on and stop it. "Are you hungry? It's almost dinner time." She questioned.

"No, I'm good. I'll go upstairs and study. Is it alright for you to watch Raelyn and Ryan some more?" Rosalie answered softly and smiled at her mom.

"Of course, dear. That's no problem." The former witch replied and watched her daughter go upstairs. She grabbed her phone and dialed a number, when she was sure Rosalie was in her room.

"Hello?....I need your help. I think my daughter is hiding something. You need to keep your eyes and ears out for me....Thank you. Bye." She spoke with the person on the other end and then ended the call. She couldn't let anything happen again. She couldn't lose her daughter again.

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