Rosalie came home after school that day and frowned when she noticed that her mother was already home. "Mom?" She asked softly as she walked into her mother's study.

"You are home. Good. We need to talk." Eleanor told her and gestured to the couch. She would make sure her daughter would stay away from Jamie. "Explain this to me." She added as she showed her the pictures.

Shocked as she saw the photos, Rosalie gulped. She knew she would be in a lot of trouble now. "I...Jamie is my boyfriend. I wanted to tell you but I knew how badly you would react." She explained to her and looked down. She was scared of what her mother would do now.

"Well, you will not see him again." The older woman spoke up and made her daughter look at her.

Rosalie frowned. "But I see him everyday in school." She said softly. She didn't like where this was going.

"We'll see about that. Now come on." She said and grabbed the blonde's arm and dragged her outside to the car and pushed her in before getting in the driver's seat.

The young girl didn't like any of this. "Where are we going?" She asked her mother confused as she looked out the window. She had no idea what was going to happen but she knew she wouldn't like it as soon as the car stopped and she saw where they were. Her mother's salon.

Eleanor parked the car in front of the salon and got out, opening the door for Rosalie. "Come on." She told her in a strict tone and grabbed her arm slightly before going into the salon with her. "Go sit down in one of the chairs." She spoke up before going over to the back to get her hair cutting tools.

The young girl gulped but didn't dare to argue. She sat down and nervously waited for her mother to return. Whatever her mother was planning to do with her hair now, it couldn't be good. She didn't want to have short hair again.

The hairdresser brought her tools over to Rosalie and put on her apron before draping the cape over her daughter. She knew Rosalie loved her hair but it had to go in order to keep the boy away from her. "I don't want to hear a word from you. Just sit still and don't move." The grey haired woman told her strictly as she began to unravel the long blonde hair from the braid. She inspected the long hair and then took a hairbrush to brush through it one last time.

This action usually calmed Rosalie, however right now she was totally on edge. She hated not knowing what was going to happen and was terrified she would end up with no hair when her mother would be done. The blonde watched her mother nervously through the mirror as she kept brushing her hair for a while.

When Eleanor was satisfied with how Rosalie's hair looked after brushing it, she began to section the hair into small ponytails before she picked up her scissors and began to snip the little ponytails off, putting them on the counter next to Rosalie. She watched her daughter through the mirror, keeping her stony expression up as Rosalie began to cry once the first ponytail was severed.

Her beautiful long hair would be gone again. Rosalie sobbed as she saw the ponytails next to her instead of being attached to her head. She couldn't believe her mother was doing this to her after she spend so much time growing and taking care of her hair. She was heartbroken.

The former witch continued with her work, not bothered by the girl's tears. She cut expertly through the ponytails and then got a comb and spray bottle and wet the now short hair before sectioning it off again. She gently pushed her daughter's head forward so she would look down and she could cut the hair in the back. After 28 years of practise she was really an expert on cutting hair. Not a single word was spoken while she transformed Rosalie's long hair into a very short pixie cut. She took her time, cutting section after section and then turned on the clippers to cut the back and sides even shorter than it already was.

Rosalie shivered slightly as she heard the clippers and watched the whole process through the mirror. Not once did she stop crying. She hated every aspect of this haircut.

When Eleanor was finally satisfied with the haircut she shut the clippers off and brushed all of the excess hair away from Rosalie's face and neck before taking the cape off. "You are all done." She spoke finally and ran her fingers through the now very short hair. She smiled slightly at the result.

The blonde stared at herself and sighed sadly as she touched the short hair. She hated it so much. She gasped when she looked down and saw all her hair on the floor and the counter next to her. It was awful.

The hairdresser swiped the hair away and threw it in the trash but kept the ponytails. "You can keep it as a reminder." She told her daughter and handed them to her before closing the salon again and taking Rosalie home.

When they reached the house again they got in and Eleanor send Rosalie directly to her room. "You will not leave this house from now on, except with me. I'll take care of the twins and take them to day care and home again. And you'll be homeschooled from now on. Hand over your phone." The older woman pointed out and waited for her daughter to hand over her phone. She wouldn't lose her daughter again. Not because of this boy again.

Shaking her head in disbelieve, the blonde sat down on her bed and stared at her mother. This couldn't be happening. Her mother couldn't be serious about this. "You can't do that. You can't be serious. I'm not a little girl anymore." She told her, looking at her with her soft brown eyes.

"I'm serious. As long as you live under my roof you'll do as I say. Don't forget who took care of you and the twins after their good for nothing father left you. Without me you'll have nothing." She pointed out harshly and slapped her daughter across the face to make her words stick.

Rosalie gasped when she felt the slap and looked at her mother in shock. "I hate you." She spat and began to cry again as she handed her phone over. She couldn't believe this. Her mother was completely insane.

The words stung but Eleanor wouldn't let it show. Rapunzel was hers and she wouldn't share her with anyone else. She grabbed her phone and turned on her heels to leave the room, however before she left she turned around to her daughter again and looked at her. "You'll see. This was for the best. That boy is only after you for your beauty. I'm the only one who truly loves you." She told her and sighed. She hated being harsh with her but she really thought her actions where for the best. No one would take her daughter from her.

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