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Another normal day for UA High School students.Class 1-A has just finished with their English class.Most of them were talking about either how confusing and hard their English lesson were or just about some other stuff.

Izuku was staring outside of the window and fell asleep.In his dream,he saw two kids running to the playground

?:Hey,wait up.I can't keep up with you *started panting*

??:Come on.We gotta hurry before Kacchan and his friends got there first.Come on Izuku

Small Izuku: *stopped running* B-but wait...I can't go on anymore.Wait for me,Asahi!

Small Asahi: *stopped and went to Izuku* Hey,Izuku.You said you wanted to be a great hero like All Might,right?

Small Izuku:Y-yes...

Small Asahi:If you can't even run from our house to the playground which is only 2km away,how can you run to people who're in trouble from all around the world and save them?

Small Izuku:I- uhh..you're right.Let's hurry and go to the park Asahi.Even if Kacchan and his friends got there first,with the two of us,we can beat them up easily!

Small Asahi:Yeah,that's the spirit Izuku.Race you there.Last person got there will have to buy ice cream for the winner!

Small Izuku:Hey,no fair!You get a headstart



Izuku woke up

...Why did I have flashback about him?:Izuku

Aizawa-sensei:Okay class...go back to your seats!

Class 1-A:Ohayo Aizawa-sensei!

Aizawa-sensei:Ohayo...before we begin.Everyone has finished their homework from last week,right?

Class 1-A: ...Wh-WHAT?! When did you give us any homework?!!

Aizawa-sensei:Who said I'm the one who gave you homework?I meant all your homework from the other teachers last week...for some reason Principal Nezu wants to check every student's book.So,if you have any that haven't finish,please finish it before this period end while I'm out

Class 1-A:Aww...

Aizawa-sensei:Did you say something?

Class 1-A:N-no sir!We'll do it right away

Aizawa-sensei:That's what I thought.Midoriya!

Yes sensei?:Izuku

Aizawa-sensei:Have you finished yours?

Uhh..yes.I guess:Izuku

Aizawa-sensei:Good.Come with me.Someone wants to see you


Izuku followed Aizawa to the teacher's room and saw his mother with a 11 year old girl sitting next to her.


Hi mom.Why are you here?:Izuku

Inko:Uhm..you see,Izuku.I have to join your father to run some errands overseas.So,we would like you to take care of Ika at school.I already ask the principal and your teacher.They're fine with it

Wait wait...Ika?:Izuku

Ika:Hi Izu-nii chan.Long time no see

Wow,you're so big now!Wait,how can you remember me?:Izuku

Ika: *giggles* it's a secret🤫

Inko:Her quirk is 'memory'.You can ask her about the detail.She can remember everything even from when she was baby

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