Vampire Villain

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A few days have passed since Ika got there.Izuku's arm hasn't healed yet.

Ika?Why are you here again?You shouldn't be awake at this hour:Izuku

Ika:In my nightmare last night,your arm was still injured.Then a villain was about to hit me.Then,you blocked it with your arm.Then,your arm started bleeding.

... :Izuku

Ika:Izu-niichan.Promise me,you won't try to save me with your arm.Not until it is fully healed.Promise?

...I can't promise you that,Ika:Izuku

I'm pretty reckless,you know?:Izuku

Ika:Hmm...then don't do extra training after and before school so your arm can heal faster.

Ok..I promise:Izuku

Ika:Oh yeah.I brought my favourite plushie with me.

Which one?You had a lot😅:Izuku

Ika:The bat one.Wanna see?


Ika:Here it is looks exactly like Asahi.With that smirk face of his.. :Izuku


Yes Ika?:Izuku

Ika:Why are you making that face?😅

Eh,what are you talking about?😊:Izuku

Ika:The last time I saw you doing that face was when Asa-niichan stole one of your ice cream and you grabbed a knife and chased him like you gonna kill him

Fine.. :Izuku

They didn't noticed that everyone were there

Denki:Mi-mi-midoriya?You killed someone?!

Uh,no.Don't worry.Mom took the knife away:Izuku

Bakugou:What do you even wanna do with the plushie?

Kirishima:Midoriya..I didn't think you could be this scary

Not always... :Izuku

Ika:Izu-niichan's usually scary when Asa-niichan piss him off

Iida:Ok guys.Let's go to class now.It's 7.30 already

Tokoyami:But class starts at 8.00-

Yaoyorozu:Aizawa-sensei wanted to discuss about something important with us.We probably should go now

Got it.Bye Ika:Izuku

Ika:Bye Izu-niichan.Bye guys

The girls:Bye Ika

They left the dorm and started to go to class

In class...

Aizawa:So,as I told you yesterday,I want to discuss something with you.

Hagakure:Something's wrong,sensei?

Aizawa:Well,yes.For the last few nights,there have been cases of people were found passed out with bite marks on their neck.And every victims lost so much blood

Denki:Kinda sounds like a vampire


Bakugou:Vampires don't exist,idiots

Denki:How are you so sure?

Bakugou:They are myths!Only dumb people would believe they're real!!

Ika:Are you saying I'm an idiot then?!😠

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