Family Matter and The Promise

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Le next morning~

In le classroom

Asahi:So,what now?

Sensei said to wait for what the principal has to say:Izuku

Asahi:You think we're gonna get a punishment?

Kaminari:Hmm..Punishment for what?

Oh uhm we fought last night in front of the dorm because this guy won't admit his fault:Izuku

Asahi: "What?Why me?"

"Just an excuse.You have a better one?":Izuku

Kirishima:Bakubro's right.You do act cold with Sa- I mean Asahi

It only started when he stole my hoodie when we were 13:Izuku

Asahi:I was borrowing it..I gave it back,didn't I?

The definition of stealing is taking stuff that doesn't belong to you without the owner's permission.Did you ask me to lend it to you?No:Izuku

Iida:That's not very heroic of you,Asahi

Asahi:Wait,so we're gonna carry on with a first-name basis now?

Sero:I mean there's two Midoriya's in our class now

Asahi:In that case,I prefer you all calling me Saki.I mean,I did leave my family

What do you think mom would react to that?:Izuku

Asahi: ...Sorry

Aizawa:Okkkk Everyone get to your own seats

Iida:Ohayo Gozaimasu sensei

Aizawa:Before we start the class,I need to make a few announcements

Mina:Which is?

Aizawa:Firstly,school will be canceled tomorrow because there is a mission for the teachers to carry out.So you all can have break at the dorms tomorrow.But you're not allowed to go outside the school ground

Hagakure:What mission?

Aizawa:Not telling

"It's definitely that mission right?"Izuku

Asahi: "Totally"

Aizawa:Second,this Saturday you all will be given a chance to visit your family for a day

Class 1-A:Yay

Aizawa:That's all.Oh and Midoriya,come to the principal's office after school


Asahi:Me too?


Bakugo:What does the principal want with those nerds?! need to scream,Katsuki..You're as loud as ever

Bakugou:I didn't ask you,Saki

Kacchan,it's probably just about the rehab programme:Izuku

Bakugou:Then what's that gotta do with you

I'm his brother:Izuku

Asahi:The brother I didn't ask for

You thought I'd ask for you too:Izuku

Aizawa:Alright that's enough..Let's start our class now

Asahi: "Useless crybaby"

"Weak scaredy-cat":Izuku

Asahi: "Psycho twin"

"Dead twin":Izuku

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