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Kanade's room, dark, and messy. Filled with papers, of her composing. Looks like OWN uploaded a new song....... So cold and sharp, but also brittle. It's just like Enanan said. It feels like whoever wrote it wants to be alone... like they don't need anyone.

"Did you make this?" Kanade asked Mafuyu. "What?"


"Oh, It's already this late? I gotta go... I can buy some flowers near the station. I should take a towel... some pajamas... and..."


"Excuse me..." Kanade was in a hospital. Beds around with the curtains hanging on the side. The sun rays shining, so the patients can get some sunlight. 

"Oh, hello, Kanade. Here for your weekly visit, I see" The nurse said, "Here, I bought a change of clothes, a towel, and..." Kanade spoke, until the nurse cut her off saying how lovely the flowers were and how thoughtful Kanade was. 

"Mr. Yoisaki. Kanade is here to see you." The nurse said to a patient, that seemed to be Kanade's father. He did not have a string anymore, as his soulmate had seemed to have passed away. 

"How are you feeling, Dad?" Kanade tried asking, but he was unconscious. "Looks like he's asleep." The nurse interrupted, "Oh, he was awake a few minutes ago. He must have just nodded off. He started remembering a few more things yesterday. He even talked about you for a little while." "Is that so? Thank you. I just stopped by to drop off his things. I should get going." "Kanade..."


"That's amazing, Kanade! I didn't realize you could write such gentle songs. I'm sure your mother would have loved it, too."

"You have such a gift, Kanade. You've really been blessed by music."

"Kanade, make sure you keep creating your own music."



"It's 25:00... You guys here?" Kanade asked, the voice chat in Nightcord. "Of course! Time to get to work" Amia said, with such a happy tone. "K, I finished the illustration from yesterday.  Can you take a look?" Enanan, asked. "Sure. Hey, where's Yuki?" Kanade seemed to wonder, "Huh, You're right. She was here earlier this evening." Amia spoke, "Maybe she fell asleep. Unlike us, she goes to school on a regular basis. I'm sure even she gets tired." Enanan said, which Amia thought against, "She said she'd be back on later, though. Oh well, I guess even Yuki can drift off sometimes." "I wonder..." Kanade muttered, "We can get started without her for now. I'll send the file over, K." Enanan sent the file over to K, "Okay, thanks. Amia, would you send a progress report too?"

...A week later...

"It's already been a week since we've heard from Yuki." Amia said, concerned. Kanade was quiet. "Did she mention anything about going on vacation?" Enanan asked, but Amia denied saying she didn't hear anything and she's starting to get worried. "Do you think something happened? I just hope she didn't have an accident or get sick or something." Enanan tried to object with what Amia said. "Amia, don't say stuff like that out loud. It's bad luck. Still, I'm getting worried too."

"Yuki..." Kanade thought out loud.

"I felt like your song saved me."

"Let's see if there's any other way of getting in touch with her." Kanade seemed desperate, "Yeah. I don't think we'll be able to stop worrying until we do." Amia was determined, "But how do we do that? We don't know her name, what she looks like, or where she lives." Amia smirked a but, "Hm... It's too bad she doesn't upload selfies like you. A little doxing of her face and room, and I bet we could figure out a location." Enanan seemed displeased with her 'recommendation' "Could you not say such creepy things?" "If we had some sort of clue. Oh, maybe there's something in the chat logs that'll tell us more about her." Amia thought, but Enanan couldn't agree, "Hm... It doesn't look like it. Yuki doesn't talk about herself very much. "They only thing I know about her is that her mom seems like a meddler." Amia, remembering what Mafuyu's mom had said. "Her mom? What do you mean?" Enanan tried to ask, but got shut down by Amia. "What about the shared folder? Anything in there that'll help? ...Huh?"

"What is it, Amia?" Kanade suddenly asked after being quiet for a long time. "There's an audio file in here I've never seen. It looks like it was added by Yuki and was last updated on the day she stopped showing up." Enanan, found the audio file too. "Oh, you're right. It's called... Untitled?"

"Untitled? I don't remember making that." Kanade spoke, and Enanan said, "Maybe Yuki made it and just forgot to name it or something." "I feel like Yuki would have told us if she's put anything in the shared folder, though. Should we listen to it and see what it is?" Amia recommended and Kanade agreed to listen. 

"Huh? My monitor is glowing..." Kanade said, "I-I can't see a thing!" Amia said too, "Wh-What's happening?!" Enanan also joined the screaming festival.


Kanade groaned, "What? Where am I?"

Red string of death. Mafuyu x KanadeWhere stories live. Discover now