Child's hopes.

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"Yuki, wait!" Kanade tried to call for 'Yuki' but was back in her room, "Huh? I'm back in my room?" Getting a notification from night cord, "K! K, answer me! Kanade, are you all right?!" "K, are you there?! Please say something!" Ena and Mizuki begged. "You guys?" "K! Oh, I'm so glad!" K gasped in delight, and Mizuki sighed in relief, "Phew... It looks like we all made it back all right. That's a relief." 

"What exactly just happened to us? As soon as Miku touched me, I was back in my room." Ena explained, wondering what had happened since it was all so sudden. "And what was that SEKAI place? Miku and Yuki were both acting so strange." Mizuki commented.

"Be honest, K, Enanan, Amia... You all want to disappear more than anyone."

"Seriously, what's up with Yuki? Hiding the fact that she was OWN and laughing at us behind our backs! I feel like an idiot for saying how great she was like that!" Ena complained in an angry tone, obviously upset. "W-Well, we don't exactly know if she was doing it to be mean. Still... Yuki sure is alot different than I thought. I guess you can never tell what someone's really like over voice chat, huh? Haha." Mizuki tried to laugh, but Ena commented on how she doesn't see what's funny about this situation. "So what do we do now? After that, I don't think Yuki is going to be coming back." 

Kanade was silent while Ena and Mizuki chatted for a bit, "I wasn't good enough..." "Huh? Did you say something, K?" Ena asked, "It's nothing." "Maybe we should call it a night. I think we're all a little worn out. We can talk more about Yuki and what we're going to do from here on out tomorrow." Mizuki obviously wanted to help 'Yuki', but Ena on the other hand, "I don't see any reason to talk about her after this. She basically said she wants to work alone. It's not like she's coming back! If she can make songs like that all on her own, then..." "Come on, let's talk  about it later once we've all had some time to cool off. See you tomorrow!" and with that Mizuki logged off.

"K, the first time I heard your songs, I felt like they had saved me. A little bit. But it wasn't enough. I wasn't able to find anything."

"Sorry I'm logging off too.." Kanade said in a quiet, yet sad voice. 


"No... This doesn't sound right at all. This isn't food enough." Kanade thought out loud

"But it wasn't enough. I wasn't able to find anything."

"I can't save anyone..." Kanade mumbled.


...One week later...

"Hey, K. I was thinking about this for just before the chorus. What do you think?" Mizuki asked, which she got no response from Kanade. "Earth to K! Kanade?" Mizuki tried to get Kanade's attention and soon Kanade finally replied, "Sorry. Did you say something?" "Yeah, I was wondering what we should do with the part before the chorus. Did you see the file I sent?" Mizuki asked, so Kanade said she'll look at it now. "You all right? You sound a little out of it. Did you get enough sleep?" Mizuki was concerned for Kanade but Kanade said she was all right. 

"Hey, K. Maybe you should take a break." Ena recommended, but Kanade said a simple I'm fine. "If you say so." "So, who's writing the lyrics for the next song? It doesn't look like Yuki is coming back. So I figure we should probably make a decision soon." Mizuki said, "I'll do it." Kanade said quickly. Ena seemed confused, "What?"

"Not just the lyrics. I'll do Yuki's part and take care of the arrangement and the mixing as well." Kanade said, "That's a little much, don't you think? Composing the music is hard enough by itself. Maybe we should find a replacement for Yuki." Mizuki tried to argue, but Kanade said "There's no time. I have to keep making more songs." "But, K..." Ena tried to talk back but..

"Don't get in my way." Kanade said rather coldly. "K...?" Ena murmured, "We're not trying to get in anyone's way...?" Mizuki said, which Kanade stayed silent. "I don't think she's even listening anymore. Talking about this now isn't going to get us anywhere. Let's leave it for later." Mizuki recommended, and Ena agreed. 


No, the guitar tone is too thin here. But it needs to sound subtle... Huh? What's going on? I'm starting to feel dizzy even though I'm sitting down... Kanade thought, "Oh, right. I haven't eaten since yesterday. But I don't have time for that." Kanade was concentrating until she got a notification. "Huh? A new song from OWN?" It feels like being at the bottom of a black ocean, devoid of all light... Kanade thought.

"K, the first time I heard your songs, I felt like they had saved me. A little bit. But it wasn't enough. I wasn't able to find anything."

"But it wasn't enough. I wasn't able to find anything."

"I guess in the end, she only thought she'd been saved. And assuming I'd been able to save Yuki with my music made me feel as if I'd been saved too.. Even so, I have to keep going. If I can't write songs that are able to save somebody, then I... I..."

"But... Is there really any reason for me to keep going?"

"You have such a gift, Kanade. You've really been blessed by music."

"Kanade, make sure you keep creating your own music."

"Dad... I don't think I can keep going..." Kanade put her legs up her chair and knees near her head. Was about to put her arm above her knee, until she felt a pull on her pinky. "Oh.. This... I'm sorry, soulmate. You're going to have to live without a soulmate now. I'm so sorry." Clenching her fist, and sulking.


"Dad, this is my song! I made it on the computer!" A young girl girl's voice rang, "All by yourself? That's amazing! Can I hear it? ... "It's wonderful. I didn't realize you could write such gentle songs. I'm sure your mother would have loved it, too." A man, who seemed to be Kanade's dad said. "You think so? I'm so glad! I want to make songs like yours, so I worked really hard on it!" The young girl, who was Kanade, but in elementary. "Songs like mine?" He asked, "Yeah! Mom really loved your music. She always looked happy listening to your songs. That's why I want to write songs that make people happy just like you do." The young Kanade said, "Kanade.... I see. It makes me happy to hear that. I'll have to work even harder to write more songs that will make people happy too, then!" Kanade's father said, with a smile. "I'll make sure to work really hard so I can be as good of a song writer as you when I grow up!"  

"I see. Yes. Something more suited to today's music? I understand. Thank you for the feedback. Okay, goodbye.. Too outdated, huh?" Kanade's dad said, "Dad, dinner is ready. Are you all right?" Young Kanade asked, "Hm? Oh, Kanade. It's already time for dinner?" Kanade's father asked, his frown turning to a smile. "Yeah. You're always eating instant noodles for lunch, so you should atleast have a decent dinner. I messed up the cooking again, though, so today's just some instant curry and something to go with it from the store." Kanade seemed embarrassed  a bit. "That's more than enough, Kanade, thanks. Dad's got to eat if he's going to keep working hard. I'd really like to enter this song into a competition for a commercial spot. This could be my big break as a composer." "That sounds great. I'll be cheering for you. Eat up so you can work hard, then." 

"This is no good. Why can't I think of anything? It just needs a little something more." Kanade's dad yelled softly, "Dad, dinner's ready." "Sorry, Kanade. Go ahead and start without me." Her dad seemed stressed, "Hey, dad? Would it be okay if I listened to your song?" Kanade asked, with a soft smile. "Huh? Oh, sure. Just for a minute." "Is this the part you're having trouble with? What if you...... What about something like this?" Kanade had typed a few things into his computer, "This is...!" Kanade's dad mumbled. "Oh, sorry, It just sort of popped into my head. It's probably not very good." Kanade said, but her dad disagreed. "That's not true. This is great, Kanade. But what made you think to change it like this?" "Huh? I just thought it might work a little better this way." "You're incredible, Kanade..." "Dad?"

Red string of death. Mafuyu x KanadeWhere stories live. Discover now