A curse...

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"I'm going to make a song for Yuki. I want to save her." Mizuki and Ena were talking a bit before. OWN had posted three or more songs, each darker than before. "I see. So you talked to Miku... and she says Yuki doesn't really want to disappear." Mizuki said, and Ena just kept quiet. "Hey, K? Take me with you." Mizuki said. "What?" "I know there's nothing I can do even if I go, and I can't understand exactly what Yuki's going through. But I feel like I should atleast let her know how I feel. I want her to know how much I'd miss her if she was gone." "Amia... All right. I'll let you know before I go back." Kanade said, "Thanks, K." Ena was still silent. "Enanan, you wanna come too?" Mizuki asked-- "I'm not going. Don't you two think you're making a big deal out of all this? It's not like Yuki is somehow special. Everybody has their own problems. I guess her being in that SEKAI place isn't exactly normal. But still, that's not enough to make me want to go to a place like that just for her sake. So I'm not going." "Okay, got it. All right. I guess it's jus the two of us, K." Mizuki said. "Yeah. Thank you for listening, Enanan." This made Ena silent again.

I have to finish this soon... before Yuki disappears. "Should I use strings as the main melody? No, I need something deeper. I need something that'll each Yuki, and fast." Kanade said, then soon overthinking, But what if I'm simply repeating the same mistake as I did before? The song I wrote for my dad only made things worse for him. This song I'm writing for Yuki might end up doing the same thing to her. If my music ends up hurting someone again...

No... Miku told me herself.

"However, I am sure that if anything is able to her her ...it will be your music and..--"

I put myself into music-- my desire to give happiness to others with my songs. Maybe that kind of music doesn't really have the power to save anyone. Even so, I still want to believe what Miku said is true. I want to save Yuki with my music. For real this time.

"I'm done. I need to let Amia know." Kanade said, logging into Nightcord, "K! Have you really finished the song?!" Mizuki asked, happily. "Yeah." "Wow, that was fast. What kind of song is it?" Mizuki asked, and Kanade said she'll send the song file to her. Mizuki listened to it for a while, "I see. So this is how it turned out. K, this song will reach her for sure." "Thanks. We should--" Someone joined their voice chat.

"Enanan? You're still awake?" Mizuki asked, "I've been working. K, did you finish the song?" Ena wondered. "Yeah. Would you like to listen to it for me too, Enanan?" "Sure, I guess." Ena was silent while listening to the song. "Your songs always feel so warm, K." Kanade replied with a quick Thanks, and Ena told them to have a safe trip. "Make sure you come back, all right?" "Of course! All right, K! Let's go!" Mizuki sounded enthusiastic.  "Yeah. Let's go see Yuki."


"Good morning." Mafuyu said, in a not so happy manner. "Oh, Good morning, Mafuyu!" "Mafuyu, check this out!" Her friends said, "What?" "We were just talking about this video. It's hilarious..." "Look, this part right here. Haha, isn't it incredibly..." 

"You're right. It's incredibly boring" Mafuyu said. "Huh? Why?" "Oh... Sorry, I meant..." "Everything okay, Mafuyu? Are you feeling all right?" "Oh, were you trying to make a joke? I was just surprised because you never say things like that!" Her friends asked, "A joke? Oh, yeah. It was a joke." Her friend started laughing, "That was a terrible joke, Mafuyu!" "Hahaha. Sorry." Mafuyu smiled.

"I'm home. Huh? What's my synthesizer doing out here?" Mafuyu questioned, "Oh, welcome home Mafuyu. I found this when I was cleaning your room earlier. I figured you didn't need a bunch of things you never use cluttering up the place. I don't think I've seen you use it since your father bought it for you. I was going to throw it out tomorrow." Mafuyu's mother said, "Why?" "Huh? You don't need it, right?" "But...I..." Mafuyu wanted to say something, "Oh, that reminds me. A friend of mine introduced me to a tutor who specializes in helping students who are preparing to enter medical school. You have some free time next week, don't you? How would you like to meet with them? I thought we might hire a private tutor if you find someone you like." Mafuyu's mother's words left Mafuyu silent, but Mafuyu decided to just agree. "I'm going to go to the store for a bit. I'll be back in a while." Mafuyu's mother said, "Okay. See you later, Mom." Mafuyu smiled..

Mafuyu was silent. Sitting in the her dark room again. "I can give up now, can't I?"


Miku was singing a familiar song until she noticed someone, "Mafuyu?" "Hey, Miku? I haven't been able to find anything at all." Miku was silent. "I've known my true feelings from the very beginning."

"All I want is to disappear." Mafuyu said, coldly.

"Mafuyu... that's..." Miku tried to talk, "I'm glad I was able to find them. Things will be better soon. It's alright to give up now, isn't it?" Miku, said a quick no.

"Yuki... Yuki! Yuki!" A familiar voice rang, "What is it, Miku?" Mafuyu asked. "They're here. They've come for you.

"Yuki..." Kanade mumbled, "Thank goodness! We found you!" Mizuki cheered. "Why? ...Miku, did you bring them here?" Miku just shook her head and kept quiet. "Why did you come back? I told  you to leave me alone." Mafuyu asked. "I came because I want you to listen to my song." Kanade said, "Your song?" "You said before that my music wasn't enough. So I made another song. One that will be able to save you this time" Mafuyu was quiet. "I don't need it anymore." "Yuki." "Just leave me alone. Miku, get them out of here." Mafuyu demanded, but Miku stayed silent. "Miku, did you hear me? Hurry up and get rid of these two." Mafuyu demanded once again. "Listen to it." Mafuyu questioned Miku's words. "Listen... to her song." "Not you too... why?" Mafuyu asked, expression as blank as ever. "Please, Yuki."

"Go away! I just want to be left alone so I can disappear!"

"I don't want your help!"

"K, your phone!" Mizuki said,

"Now get out... Stop barging in here when you don't know a single thing about me!" Mafuyu screamed. "I do know. You said it yourself, Yuki. You accused us all of wanting to disappear. You were right. I want to disappear so badly I don't know what to do. All because my music caused the person I care for most to suffer." Kanade said. "You what?" 

"My dad used to be a songwriter. He worked so hard, always hoping that his music would bring people happiness. I wanted to be like him, so I started writing songs myself. But the songs I wrote only pushed my dad into a corner." Kanade explained softly. "Your songs... did that?" Mizuki asked. "Yeah he had suffered for so long because the songs he made were old and nobody wanted them. But I kept making him listen to my music, not realizing he was forcing himself to smile as he did. That just made things worse. It forced him to think about the fact he wasn't able to write music like mine. He lost confidence in himself and ended up collapsing from the pressure. And now he can't make music anymore." 

"That's terrible. But is it really your fault, Kanade?" Mizuki asked, as Kanade stayed silent for a bit. "Yes, It's my fault. I'm the one who hurt him. I took away the music he loved so much, and his future with it. I started wanting to disappear so badly it hurt. But my dad told me that I had to keep creating music. That's... That's the only thing keeping me going. I have to keep writing music that can save others. Songs that can rescue them no matter how hopeless they feel. So even though I just want to disappear, I have to keep composing."

Mafuyu was silent through all her explaining. "So... I understand how you feel, Yuki. Though our situations might be a little different."

"I... see."

"You've bene cursed by your own father, K." Mafuyu said, Kanade kept quiet. "A curse you can never be free of. How sad. But I don't give a damn about your curse, so don't get me involved in your problems. You're only trying to save me because you want to help yourself. A vain, desperate struggle. All that will do is make us both suffer. After all, the truth is you just want to disappear." Kanade was still quiet for a while. 

"That may be true, but still..."

"Maybe those shared feelings are why your song was the only thing able to get through."

"Even if it wasn't good enough... it still reached her."

"I learned that the song I wrote reached you, Yuki. That's why I want to save you with my music. As long as there is still a chance, I will save you. Even if this is a curse." Kanade said, determined to save Mafuyu.

Red string of death. Mafuyu x KanadeWhere stories live. Discover now