Chapter 1.~.Matilda

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A/N: Hi!! This is the first chapter. Like I said, I DO NOT ship Parker and Chester irl! Anyways, I hope you enjoy the first chapter! Please tell me if there is any triggering subjects I missed.
TW: None?
Chester POV:
"Are you sure this is a good idea bro?" I asked Parker. We were on the way to a girl called Matilda's house, she said she heard screeching and scratching noises in her walls. "You ask that every time. We're gonna be fine dude." Parker responded. I sighed and looked down at my lap. Parker always thinks that we're gonna be fine and then we aren't. Why don't we just stop this stupid job? It has put us in so much danger. "Chester, we're here." Parker said, stopping my train of thought. I got out of the car, and looked around at where we were. We were in the outskirts of a small town. I turned to parker; "It looks kind of sketchy.. are you really sure about this?"

"Yes, we've done this so many times, Chester. We are going to be alright. I promise." He assured me and walked on to the house. I quickly followed. Parker knocked on the door. Matilda opened it carefully. "Hello? Matilda, right?" Parker asked her. "Yeah, that's me." Matilda replied, opening the door fully. "Come in, come in!" Matilda ushered. We walked Inside the house. It had beige walls with wooden floors and quite basic furnishing. She showed us to the living room where we sat down. "So, Matilda. What type of noises have you been hearing?" Parker questioned her. "I keep hearing weird scratches in my walls. Only in my room, nowhere else in the house. I've also heard chewing noises and muffled screaming." She responded. "Euh.. Do you know where it is coming from?" I almost mumbled. "I don't know how it got in the walls. All I know is it's there." Matilda answered. She looked very disturbed. I felt bad, I'm not sure what I would've done in that situation.. apart from telling Parker.
"Okay. Does anybody live with you?" Parker chimed in. I lifted my head, I was lost in thought for a moment. "No, that's why I reached out to you guys. I doubt they would even believe me anyways. That's all they do. Not Trust people." Matilda was frustrated at the fact they would probably not believe her. "I'm sorry, but who is they?" Parker looked at me, then back at Matilda. My face turned a light pink. I don't know why.. "My family. They haven't come to visit in months."

"Oh, I see." Parker said. He had the same expression he always had during the investigations, it was serious but also understanding. "Did you hear that..?" Matilda asked warily. "No?-" I was interrupted by Parker. "Yes. We should probably check it out." I was confused because.. well, I didn't hear it of course! "What? Check what out?" Parker turned to me as he was getting up from his chair. "You didn't hear that creaking?" "No, why would I?" I responded. He just sighed and told me to come with him. He walked to where the 'creaking' came from and I closely followed. We were there and heard another creak, but it was louder. "Parker?" I tried to stop him, but Parker was walking quickly towards the noise. I had to run after him by the time I has processed I couldn't see him anymore because he had sped-walked around the corner. Parker huffed when he realised nothing was there. "What were you even expecting, bro? Your so dumb sometimes." He said, mumbling the last part. Parker turned around. "What did you say?"
"I said what were you even expecting.."
"No, the last part."
"Uh.. I don't know, you must have been hearing things."
"I know I heard something."
I was backing away from him and hit the wall. Quite hard at that. "Sh- I mean ouch." Parker was still looking at me with a stone-cold face. "I still want you to tell me what you said." "Oh screw off, it was nothing!" I turned around to walk away but he grabbed me. "Okay fine, I said you were dumb sometimes." I gave up. "There. That wasn't hard was it?" Parker stated, walking away and to their room. Chester found himself actually.. blushing? He only thinks of Parker as a friend, right? There's no way he was blushing because of him.. 'I'm probably just hot or something.' Chester thought. He looked out the window. 'Night already? Geez.. we come to a house earlier for once and night only seems to come faster.' Chester decided to go up stairs to his and Parker's room. Matilda noticed him walking up. "Oh, goodnight Chester!" Matilda smiled. "Night!" Chester smiled back. He got to his room and opened the door. Parker looked up from his phone and then put it away. "So uhh.." Chester fumbled, embarrassed for some reason.

"Lets go to bed." Parker blandly spoke. "Oh, Okay." Chester agreed. Parker got in bed first, and Chester walked over to get in with him. Parker laid with his back facing Chester. "Goodnight." Chester said. "Night.." Parker yawned. Chester went to turn of the camera he thought was in his hands..? "Huh.." He mumbled. "What? What is it?" Parker asked, turning a bit. "My camera.."
Parker fully turned around to Chester. Holding the hands he had put up in search of his camera. "Forget about it. We have the other one, right?" Parker reassured him. "Yeah.." Chester blushed a little, he hoped Parker couldn't see it. "Now sleep. You know we probably have to wake up at 2-3 AM anyway." Parker closed his eyes, still holding Chester's hands. Chester wished Parker was doing it in a loving way, but he knew Parker only thought of him as a friend. He closed his eyes and drifted to sleep..
..only to be woken up at 2 AM by a sound of ear splitting screeching.

Parker got up immediately, and ran to Matilda's room. Chester wasn't so fast. Chester got his glasses on and looked around. 'My camera was fff- fudging there? How? I looked everywhere for it!' The 'everywhere' Chester was talking about was Parker. Chester grabbed the camera, quickly turning it on and sprinting to Matilda's room. Parker was trying to pull Matilda away from the creature that just came out of her wall. Chester didn't know what to do so he kicked the head of the monster. It some how helped because the creature screamed and let go of Matilda. Parker pulled Matilda up and they all ran to the door, not bothering to close it. Parker got in the drivers seat, Matilda in the passenger and of course Chester in the back seat, still holding the camera. "GO DUDE! ITS COMING!" I shouted. Parker managed to drive away but you could hear the intense scratching of the car at the back for a while until the thing let go. Parker sighed. "Is everyone okay?" He asked as they got to a safer road. "Mentally, sure, but physically... I'm not so sure." Matilda stated, looking down at her messed up leg. "Chester?" Parker questioned me. I was frozen, staring into space. I snapped out of it, shaking my head. "Don't know.." "Alright. At least you both can still talk." Parker tried to lighten the mood but me and Matilda were not in the best state. We made it home. "So, Matilda. Do you want to stay here or go to a hotel or something?" Parker looked at Matilda, raising an eye brow. "If I can stay here, yeah." Matilda said. "Alright." Parker sighed. "I have a question though, where do I sleep?" Matilda asked. Parker looked at her. "Uhh.. Chester?" I was just looking at them and listening to their conversation. So I was surprised when Parker looked at me suddenly. "Huh? Yeah, Parker?"
"Could Matilda use your room?"
"Well where will I sleep?"
I my breathing hitched. Parker walked over to me. "Its not like we haven't slept in the same bed before." "..your right, Matilda you can use my room." I gave in. "Okay, I guess we should go back to sleep again then.. see you guys in the morning!" Matilda started to walk up the stairs to my- well, her room. "We should go now, Chester." Parker turned around to go upstairs as well.
"Okay.." I followed him wordlessly to 'our' room. He was already in bed by the time i got there. I got in with him. "Goodnight.." Parker murmured. "Night." I said back and slowly went to sleep.

Word count: 1447 —
I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! Im so so so so so so so so so so sooo sorry that it took so long, I was being a procrastinating little dumb dumb. Sorry if there is any mistakes or weird stuff I was trying to get it out. I'll try to get the next chapter out sooner!

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