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Okay but why they so heavy 😩

I've been wearing a binder since I was 13, I wont be able to the get the surgery until I turn 18 next fall, or, whenever I get out of here...

I sigh as I slip the tight fabric over my chest, gasping slightly as I feel it compress.

"Stupid boobs.." I pouted while I stared at my chest in the mirror.

I left my room and headed towards the dining hall where the others were. When I entered I saw Tenko and Kaito yelling at each other.



"YOU WANNA SEE STRONGER!?" Tenko ran up to Kaito and threw him across the room.

"Guys! somebody's going to get hurt!" Kaede tried to but in but it didn't help. After successfully beating Kaito, Tenko turned to me.

"Your his friend! You probably think you degenerates are better too, huh!?!" She stormed up to me.

"No no! Tenko that's not-"

"You probably ogle girls too! You degenerate!" She then shoved me backwards where Kokichi just happened to enter the room.

I felt myself hit him as we both tumbled to the ground.

"Owie! What was that for Shumai!?" I quickly got up only to be pushed back down when Tenko put her foot on my stomach, pinning me and Kokichi to the ground.

"Stay where you belong males!" Kirumi came up to her and started to guide her off.

"Come on Tenko, why don't you help me serve Himiko breakfast." This time I managed to get up, as Kokichi followed while rubbing a spot on his head.

"ah- are you okay?" I reached my hand out to him but he just shrugged it off.

"Of course I am! A supreme leader can handle that like a piece of cake!" He then strutted cockily to the table. I hesitantly followed behind him and took my seat. Kaito was in his place now  holding his throbbing cheek.

"You dumbass, you had that coming." Maki remarked not even caring.

"ahah, she definitely was the wrong person to argue with about that..." Rantaro laughed it off.

Then a bit into our breakfast Gonta cleared his throat.

"Um, everyone! Gonta has something important to share!" We all looked up as he stood courteously waiting. "Gonta has found an exit! He hopes friends can get through!"

"Really? Please show us Gonta!" Tsumugi smiled.

"Okay! follow Gonta! He lead us out of the school and around towards the back. We entered the boiler room where Gonta pointed out a manhole cover.

"In here!"

"Cool! Kiibo show off your robot strength and open it!" Kiibo scoffed at Kokichi's remark but walked up to it. He tried and struggled for a minute but he couldn't make it lift more than a few inches.

"Oh.. I.." he muttered embarrassed. "I was only built with the strength of an average elderly gentleman, I'm not quite built for lifting.."

"Thats okay! Gonta got this!" The large boy then lifted the metal covering with two of his fingers and tossed it aside like a penny. We were all impressed if not shocked by Gonta's strength.

I peered down the hole to see it was deep and dark. Well, yolo I guess.

We all climbed down one by one, Tenko insisting the girls went first. The ladder we used was a lot longer than I first thought and I was quickly out of breath. It really didn't help when all I had to replenish my oxygen was dank sewer air.

"Look! This sign says exit!" I turned to see Kaede gesturing towards a long tunnel.

"pft, so fake..." I heard Kokichi mutter from beside me.

"Well it's worth a shot, Are you guys ready?" Rantaro stepped forward, he was always there to back anyone who needed it.

As a group we all started down the tunnel. We all pushed through a large gate, with Kaede in the lead, when suddenly one of the plates shot up and sprayed her with a burst of water, knocking her over the side.

"Kaede! Are you okay!?" We all rushed to the side to see her in waist deep water.

"*cough cough* Yea! don't worry I can get back up, there's stairs by the entrance.." She turned around while the rest on us continued, but oh god we were not prepared...

Suddenly bombs were flying at us and we had to jump over waterfalls. Cages dropped down from the ceiling and the floor would randomly give out. In some parts the lights didn't work, and in others the path moved like a conveyer belt.

We couldn't reach the end no matter how hard we tried. No matter how hard Kaede pushed us. I clutched at my chest gasping for air after we had run and jumped for so long. The binder definitely didn't help..

"Here Shuichi, let me help you up." Kirumi lifted my arm over her shoulder though she looked just as worn out.

" Kirumi lifted my arm over her shoulder though she looked just as worn out

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so today was awful, Kokichi was the first to argue against it. he didnt say it the most polite way but it probably was necessary...

So ye- Do yall prefer with or without images? sorry im slow-

It Suck To Be A Girl / Saioma - platonic saimamiWhere stories live. Discover now