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Thank you to all the readers who read my stories, voted it, and left your comments, and thank you to all my followers...

I'm sorry for not giving a proper update. I'm stuck in my work and it's getting hectic for me day by day. Sorry for the late update. If there is any mistake in this chapter, please forgive me. And thank you for the readers who understand me and supporting me till now. It means a lot for me.


I'm not good at medical terms or theories. I have written it based on my research and my small knowledge. So it might be wrong.

Present Day

Abhi sat on his sofa, feeling exhausted. For the past two days, Abhi and Ram have been managing the media, so that the news doesn't leak out. Someone had spread the news to the media, but somehow Abhi and Ram used their influence and stopped it.

Abhi's phone starts to ring, breaking his thoughts.

Abhi: Hello

Priya: Abhi, It's Priya.

Priya said from the other side. He could feel her tense tone.

Abhi: Auntie, what happened?

Priya: Pragya has gone missing.

Priya said sobbing and Abhi got tense, hearing it.

Abhi: What happened Auntie? She was alright.

Priya: Actually, I was quite distant from her after what happened. As Ram was managing the media with you, he also didn't spend quiet time with her. She was also very silent and didn't speak to anyone. I don't know what she thought about Abhi, she is gone. I'm scared Abhi.

Priya cried and Abhi felt helpless, hearing her.

Abhi: I will try and search for her auntie. Please, don't worry.

Abhi hung the call and mentally slaps himself for being careless. He should have been there for her, but instead, he was busy with handling the media. Taking his mobile and car key, he walked out.


Doctor came out, whereas Ram, Priya and Abhi went towards him.

Abhi: Uncle this is Dr. Viraj, our family doctor and my close friend.

Ram nods and looks at the doctor.

Ram: Doctor, how is my daughter? What happened to her?

Doctor: Can we all talk in Private?

Abhi looked confused, hearing it.

Everyone gets settled in her room.

Viraj : We have run some tests on Pragya. By any chance, Pragya has a habit of consuming drugs?

Ram, Priya and Abhi were shocked hearing it.

Ram: Why are you asking this doctor? What happened to my daughter?

Ram asked. Panic filled in his face, whereas Priya and Abhi were dumbstruck.

Viraj : We ran some tests on Pragya and we found some raw drug substance in her system.

Everyone was shocked, hearing it.

Ram: Doctor, are you sure? I mean... How is that even possible?

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