14. Magic/Fantasy/In Love

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There hadn't been much to begin with
Except an empty room
A single chair
And each other
So they slow dance
To the beat of their issues
Being each other's safety
Choosing their steps carefully
At least one was
Call them Tip Toe
Ballet within the lines
Never crossing them
Never truly coming too close
In fear of separation
The other had become sloppy over time
They'd be known as Lax
Stepping as they'd please
Yet precise
As some words were experimental
They'd dance all day
Until Lax had become tired
For Tip Toe always was
Then a small breeze
Would push walls down
And they'd still smile
Because they knew that they'd last
And in the mist of such beauty
Such a profound moment
I wake up

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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