|Episode 16|

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Ik some of you are kinda annoyed at me for taking so long and I'm veryyyyy sorry, I hope this chapter makes up for it :) *Art & photos included in this chapter are not mine*



Third Person POV

   Many screens were displayed to the mob of spectators, all capturing the excitement, conflict and tension of the games. But only one interested a certain number of individuals in the crowd. Conveyed on one of the multitudes of screens, one figured stood alone at the starting line.

"What is she waiting on?"

"Maybe she's deaf and didn't hear the buzzer."

"Why's she just standing there!?"

  Perched on her hoverboard the peculiar melanin girl examined the scene while her fellow students pushed and shoved through the narrow pathway. Her breath hitched, hesitant to approach them, the scene felt familiar and not in the way she preferred. 


"Come on Ianna." Tamaki breathed from where he sat along with his best friends, sweating profusely as they watched her consumed expression from a nearby screen. 

Ever since they announced the Sports Festival Ianna had been meticulously working to improve her physical abilities and her inventions, skipping out on their meet ups at the park. She was falling back into her thoughts again; he could see it.

"She needs to snap out of it, or she'll get behind!" Gabriella jumped up from behind him leaning closer to the far away screen. Matteo clutched onto his tίo's sleeve as he watched the metal conflict on his sister's face. 'You can do this Ian. Don't let your fear control you!' Tashiro thought strongly though his exterior remained neutral, as per usual.

Naomasa's began moving the longer he watched, knowing -he couldn't just jump down there and curb her sadness with a hug. All he could do was hope she'd just,

'Snap out of it!'


The world around her glitched.

  What was once a red gate in front of her morphed into a fiery door that she would never dare to approach. The noise of the crowd blended into sirens and her wailing echoed so loudly in her ears. She faltered. Everything was so loud, so real, happening right in front of her all over again. Ianna flinched as a strong chilling breeze whizzed towards her, forming goosebumps as it nipped her skin. Contrasting to the heat she felt in the wretched hallucination.

This was not the time nor the place.

'If you can't go through them, go over em'.'

Twisting her foot swiftly and holding a firm stance she shot into the race. Gliding on the iced over walls Ianna glanced at her competitors who struggled below, trapped in an icy plane. 

Out of the corner of his eye a dark-skinned figure bolted northwest of Ontenaka. "There she is."

Her cornrows whipped through the air as she emerged in the sun, a rearing obstacle up ahead. Now she was focused.

  Snatching her attention up front was the sight of two-toned hair in the distance and determined explosions, she did her research after that speech Bakugo had made in the doorway of his class, making sure to prepare herself for their so called 'raw talent' that everyone bragged so much about.

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