part 4: escape

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My name is laphicet crowe. It's been three years since that horrible night. The advent there now calling it. Ever since then. I've been an exorcist for the abbey. A massive gathering of exorcist's. Now the demons are a lot less of a problem. Like I wanted. However. The abbey are now the problem. They quickly went from heroes to dictators. They can do whatever they want to towns. Those who don't accept their ways are exiled with no protection from demons. I even did stuff to people I'm not proud of. I didn't even want to be an exorcist. But it was either that. Or rot away in a cell. And it was my only chance to find the two people that I missed more than anyone.

My big sister. Velvet. And my best friend and hero. Mu tachinowarui. I really missed them. I miss those days in aball. Sure, I was sick. But those were definitely the better times. Especially considering I really don't like the praetors or legates I have to work with.

Teresa and oscar. Are really close siblings. Like me and velvet. But the way teresa treats malak's as nothing but tools really rubs me the wrong way. And oscar...he has an ego. Any time I have to talk to him. He talks about how should have better manners like him. How I should be more noble like him. How I should be more of an exorcist like him. It gets to the point where I just wanna break his jaw. If that gets him to shut up. And honestly I wouldn't care what Teresa would do. She should have taught oscar to not be so full of himself.

Shigure was the jerk who almost killed mu. When he went to get my medicine. So i'm not in the best terms with him either. He's also a freaking battle maniac. Anybody shows a bit of skill. He challenge's them to a battle. And of course they lose. Even me. My skills with an axe has gotten pretty good. But i'm nowhere near mu's level. So i got my butt kicked. Speaking of mu. Shigure is obsessed with fighting him again. Even though he got stormhowl back. Most likely as a bribe from Artorius for him to join the abbey. But even so. He wants to fight mu again. Because in his words. "I didn't earn stormhowl back. But I will once I defeat the one who took it from me."

He still use's stormhowl when fighting anyone. Even though he's now got a second sword. One he hasn't drawn at all. I eavesdropped on one of his conversations with Melchior. When he asked about the second sword he responded "I'm saving this blade for my rematch against mu. I can't use stormhowl against him. Considering I haven't beaten him to get it back. So when i do face him again. It'll be this blade I use."

After hearing that. I was really curious about Shigure's new sword. I don't even know what it looks like. And also how could it be any stronger than the god blade? Or the ethereal blade?

That rematch will go down in history. As one of the most incredible sword fights. But that can wait until I find velvet and mu.

Melchior is definitely the one who pisses me off the most. He constantly tries to brainwash me into believing the bullcrap reason the abbey represents. Even trying to make me forget about velvet and mu. He even made me snap and beat his face in once. I couldn't care that he was a legate. Nobody calls my sister and best friend "unholy beasts".

Overall. Don't like any of them. But I hate artorius and innominat the most.

Artorius lied to me. I wanted a world free of demons. A world where velvet and mu could be happy. Certainly with the abbey. The first part of my wish was granted. But there's no doubt that velvet and mu aren't happy. I'm pretty sure all they care about is sticking a sword in artorius heart. And i can't blame them for that. He nearly killed mu. And turned velvet into a demon. Both i will never forgive him for. Arthur was gone. All that remained was the cruel tyrant artorius.

Innominat is a parasite. Plain and simple. He acts so high and mighty. Despite the fact that he only has a body by leeching off of mu. And what really gets under my skin. Is the way he constantly tries to convince me. That's he's mu. No matter how many of my times with mu he tries to remind me off. I will never think of this parasite. As my best friend and hero.

tachinowarui saga book 1: tales of berseriaWhere stories live. Discover now