Part 17: return to loegres.

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We arrived back at port zekson. Ready to go after the next therion. We saw a trio of angry sailors fighting each other. Benwick was arguing with the dock manager again. He jacked up the price. Can't blame him personally. We have become the abbey's most wanted after all. After that, We headed back to loegres. I put on a robe and a mask to hide my identity. Sure enough. There were wanted posters of me all over. One hundred million gald for the one who brings me into the abbey.

"Yep. they really want me gone." i said.

"You did nearly kill both the shepherd and their god. It's no shock they'd go this far." laphicet said. We went to the shadow guild. Eleanor and laphicet stayed outside. The shadow guild wouldn't want their faces known to the abbey.

"My thanks for coming all this way. It's been a while. Would you like a peach pie?" Tabatha asked.

"What do you want?" velvet asked.

"Heh. it would do you good to unwind every now and again. Stretch a bow too far. And it's string is bound to snap." tabatha said.

"Believe me tabatha. I've been trying. It's been hit or miss." i said. She then looked at me

"Is that you mu? I almost didn't recognize you." tabatha said.

"Yeah. well when you're the abbey's most wanted. Heading straight into the heart of the territory. You got to come with a very good disguise." i replied.

"That nodachi on your back. Is that stormhowl?" tabatha asked.

"Yep" i said nonchalantly.

"So you've bested shigure rangetsu yet again. I'm curious if anyone can stop you." tabatha said.

"I try. So what do you have for us now?" i asked.

"I'd like you to escort this person out of the capital." tabatha said. As she turned her head to the hooded man at the bar.

"Something smells about this. Literally." velvet said. I looked at the bird. And my tattoo lit up. I could see the light through the cloth of the robe. Guess today was our lucky day.

"Not just that. That bird is the therion we're after. This was a lot easier than i thought it would be." i said.

"Where are we taking them?" velvet asked.

"Somewhere the authorities can't reach them." tabatha replied.

"That will be easier said than done. Considering we need one ourselves." i replied.

"No joke. We've been looking for a place to lay low. But we haven't had any luck yet." rokurou said.

"Well. Come to think of it. There's a rumor that the abbey hasn't had contact with titania for a while." tabatha said.

"The prison island!" velvet yelled. A place me and her know all too well. I began to shake. Remember those three years I spent chained up like an animal. Being unable to move anything. Velvet put her hand on mine. I began to calm down.

"But I thought the abbey was in direct control of that place. Has the situation there gotten that bad since you left?" eizen asked.

"Sometimes the answers are right under your nose." velvet said.

"The therions could get their fill of malevolence there." rokurou said.

"And the abbey is too goody-goody to assume that two escaped prisoners would ever return to their prison by their own will." magilou said.

"At the least. It's worth checking gonna be okay mu?" velvet asked.

"I really don't want to go back to titania...but we do need a i'll guess i'll just bite the bullet." I replied.

tachinowarui saga book 1: tales of berseriaWhere stories live. Discover now