Meeting Ilia |Chapter 7|

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"Hey y/n, I wanna introduce you to a friend of mine, I think you might like her."

Link had turned towards you and smiled quite enthusiastically.

You just nodded as you followed him towards the Mayor's home.

The both of you stood there for a second, before Link went and knocked on the door.

You stood there absolutely confused.

"Isnt this the Mayor's home? Why would we come here, unless he has children, or a child."

Shaking your head, as the door opened to reveal a teenage girl.

She seemed to be around Link and your's age, or so you assumed anyways.

Link and the girl were talking about something, but you werent paying attention, you just assumed that he was introducing you to her.

"Well then, it's a pleasure to meet you y/n, I'm Ilia! I hope to be good friends with you."

You were snapped out of all of your thoughts and analyzing by the girl, who was now known as Illia.

Illia was holding her hand out, waiting for you to shake it, while smiling sweetly at you.

Hesitantly, you shook it, and gave her a approving smile.

Compared to the other female you had met in the Village, this one was a sweetheart.

You both let go of each others hands, as Link began to talk again.

"Alright, now that I have you two introduced, I believe the both of us havent had breakfast yet, so we should go do that then."

Link paused, as he took your hand in his.

"Would you like to join us, Ilia?"

He had continued.

Illia smiled kindly, as she replied.

"I'd love to, but I have something I need to do first, I'll meet you there after, alright?"

Link nodded his head to affirm, as Ilia went on her way to do whatever she needed to do.

Link then began to lead you towards someones home, or shop, you werent sure.

Before entering, you took note of the sign infront of the house.

"'Sera's shop' ah, so it is a shop."

Upon entering the shop, you took note of all of the things the shop had to offer, and all of the interesting smells.

Link lead you over to the counter and began talking with the lady, who you presumed to be Sera.

"Ah! Link my boy, good to see you back in the village, I'm assuming your here for some breakfast, I've already prepared it for you, so I'll just go get it."

The woman began to get up and leave to get it from the back, but stopped and turned to you.

"Oh! Would you like some too, young man?"

You stood there, quite surprised, you didnt think she would ever notice that you had been there, like everyone else you met.

But you nodded your head shyly.

"Yes please, if you wouldnt mind."

Your words ended up coming out a lot quieter that you hoped for them to, but she heard nonetheless, as she nodded her head, and headed to the back of the shop.

Link smiled at you sweetly, as he gently placed his right hand on your shoulder.

A few seconds went by, before Sera reappeared with a sandwich for both of you.

TP Link x Trans Reader (ftm)Where stories live. Discover now