Road Trouble |Chapter 16|

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The trip through hyrule field was filled with silence, and sadly the occasional, annoying noise from Katherine's mouth.

By that, you mean once her mouth opens, she wont stop flirting, and getting handsy with Link. It was quite obnoxious, but you kept your mouth shut.

Thankfully, it was currently silent, with the only sounds coming from the horses hooves, and from the nature around the three of you.

You noticed Link suddenly turn his head slightly to the right, probably to check and see if you were alright. In responce to his concerned look, you turned to smile at him slightly, before turning your attention back to your surroundings.

Link seemed to relax slightly, and turned his attention back to the road. You on the other hand, had noticed Katherine suddenly wrapping her arms around Link slightly tighter.

Nearly giving a grimace look, mixed with a snort, you quickly turned your attention else where, while you rolled your eyes.

You could feel hers sending daggers at you, but you just ignored it.

"Fucking prick"

Some how managing to ignore the daggers being glared at you, you let your thoughts run wild. Tho, that proved to be a bad idea.

"I could shoot her with an arrow right now, and I'd never have to deal with her again."

As soon as that thought processed, you quickly told yourself off, as you remembered why you cant do stuff like that.

"Wait- shit, no no no no no, we are not going to shoot her. As much as I absolutely hate her,"

You turned your head slightly, so you could catch a quick glance at her.

"You cant kill people, because 1: it's illegal, 2: Link would most definitely hate me, and 3: I still need to expose her, and then she'll be out of my hair."

As you thought about how wonderful it will feel like when you finally get her out of your hair, while smiling to yourself about the wonderful possibilities, the three of you had finally made your way to the southern entrance to hyrule castle.

Or what was supposed to be there. The route had been blocked by so many large boulders.

Epona and Zalco slowed to a stop, before Link carefully got off, and took a look at the damage to the route.

You took note of the slight shake of his head, before he turned to the both of you.

"There isnt a way through the boulders, they are far too big, I'd say we could get Epona and Zalco to jump over them, but the likeliness of making the jump isnt very likely, and then there is the option to climb, but I dont think its possible, either way, there isnt a way through."

Link sighed, while he walked back over to Epona, and climbed on, before pulling her reigns, and directing her the other way.

He turned his head to look at you, before speaking. "We'll have to take another route."

You nodded in responce, before following in suite.

Once both horses had come to the end of the route, and were now back at hyrule field, Link stopped Epona.

"Which route should we take"

Link seemed to mutter under his breath, which caused Katherine to perk up, as she began soothingly running his shoulder with one hand, while her other hand was moving suspiciously on his waist.

"Hey, it's alright, we can just take the east route, it'll be fine."

She was putting on that facade again, and it was pissing you off, especially since she had said the east route.

"That little bitch"

You knew for a fact, that if you all used the east route, you'd probably faint from your fear of heights.

So instead, you offered a better idea, and it wasnt just so you wouldn't have to deal with your fear of heights.

"Wouldnt it be a better idea to use the west route? The goron live close to the route, so maybe we could mention the boulders, and possibly get their help?"

Link seemed to ponder these options for a few minutes, as Katherine glared invisible daggers at you.

"Oh, also,"

You had suddenly remembered another piece of valuable information, as Link turned to give you a curious look.

"We only packed enough supplies to get through hyrule field, maybe if we were to stop by Kakiriko Village, we could pack more for the journey?"

Link's eyes seemed to widen in realization, before returning to normal, and nodding his head.

"Right, I forgot about that, yeah, choosing the west route would be the better option."

He was now muttering to himself again, Katherine seemed really agitated with you. You could only tell, because the occasional slight change in look she'd give you when she thought you werent looking.

"Alright, it's been decided, we'll go on the west route, thank you for the reminder Y/n."

Link had turned back towards you and had given you a sweet and genuine smile.

You swore you could feel your heart melt, as you gave a small genuine smile back.

And now back on the road the three of you were, and this time, Katherine didnt hide her obvious hatred for you, as she glowered at you menacingly.

You couldn't help but feel internalized proudness for yourself, as Zalco followed Epona through hyrule field, and towards the route to Kakiriko Village.

"Finally, I've won against Katherine on something, and Link is happy with my decision making, damn, I feel like my heart might leap out of my chest."

926 words.

Thank you to everyone who reads this story and enjoys it! I hope this chapter was entertaining in one way or another, and I hope you all a good day/night, bye!

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