A Miscalculated Error |Chapter 21|

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Link had already gone a bit ahead with Epona, making it so you were alone with Katherine, without Link hearing anything said between the two of you, as the three of you crossed west hyrule field.

Katherine was very obviously pissed with you, and was obviously done hiding it, as she began trying to induce fear into you, by attempting to blackmail, guiltrip and manipulate you into doing as she said.

It wasnt working. Honestly, you were getting sick of her nonstop talking. So, you made Zalco speed up a bit in order to catch up with Link.

Obviously she stopped. You wanted to snicker to yourself, knowing that she remembered what you said, and that it had struck fear in her.

Link had turned his head to the side to smile at you, clearly avoiding eye contact with Katherine, before turning his attention back to the area ahead.

After a few minutes, the three of you, and the two horses, made it to what seemed to be the beginning to a bridge.

A very, very, very long bridge.

The horses had stopped for a few seconds, before continuing across the bridge.

Barely two horses wide.

One wrong step and you'd be meeting whoever was in charge of the after life.

After acknowledging this fact, you slowed Zalco down so that he'd be walking behind Epona.

"Keep your eyes ahead y/n, keep them on Link."

Taking a quiet deep breath, as you focused your entire attention on Link, and Link only.

You were suddenly very aware of how quiet Katherine had gotten, it felt like she was planning. That or you were just being incredibly paranoid, but seeing as what she had done yesterday, you wouldn't put it past her to attempt on your life again.

Trying your best not to think about where you were right now, you looked up, only to see that Link had been looking at you with concern.

"Hey, are you alright y/n?"

You opened your mouth to speak, but realised that your brain wasn't cooperating right now. So you nodded your head instead, and hummed in responce.

He gave you another concerned look, obviously not buying your responce, but didnt mention it again, as he returned his head forward, and the three of you continued in silence.

That was until Katherine suddenly decided to whisper in your ear.

"Who would've guessed, that your afraid of heights of all things,"

You just rolled your eyes in responce, as you tried to ignore her. But she continued anyways.

"Y'know, I could push you off of Zalco, and right off this bridge right now if I so desired."

"I'd like to see you try."

Anyone else would've took her for her words, and felt threatened. But you knew how stubborn you could be, and knew that, that would never happen if you could help it.

So instead, you just chucked lightly to yourself, before glancing at her, and giving her a knowing look, and in a moment of boldness, knowing that your next word would come to bite you in the ass later, you spoke in a bold and threatening tone.

"I'd like to see you try."

Katherine was obviously shocked by your reaction to her words. She seemed to have expected you to tense up and get all scared and fragile. But instead, she got a chuckle and a threatening/bold reaction.

Obviously having thrown her off her game, she just rolled her eyes, and shut up. Just in time, because you had finally gotten to the other side of the bridge.

Finally, you relaxed a bit, before taking out your map, so you knew where the three of you were going.

When you noticed a bridge to hyrule castle that the three of you had passed.

"Hey ah, Link?"

Link turned his head to look at you with curiosity, as he hummed in responce.

"Why didnt we take the west gate to hyrule castle?"

You looked up from your map to look at him, it seemed a sudden realization had occurred to him, as he gave a awkward chuckle and scratched the back of his head.

"Right, I didnt tell you did I,"

Turning your head to right in curiosity, as to what on earth had he not said?

"The west gate to hyrule castle, still hasn't been fixed. You see, a few months ago it had been set on fire, and it still hasn't been fixed since then."

You just nodded your head in understanding, before hopping off of Zalco.

Link and Katherine did the same, as you all continued on the route on foot. Katherine seemed to grumble from beside you in annoyance, because Link was still avoiding her after their little argument in Kakariko Village.

"Oh brother, why did she have to join."

803 words.

Hey everyone, sorry that this chapter is shorter than normal, I've been distracted lately, due to the new pokemon games release, so my mind isn't really into the story today. Sorry about that.

Anyways, hope you all have a good day/night, and good bye.

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