Nerves out of Control |Chapter 40|

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Link and yourself had slept in till noon, and when you both awoke, you were greeted with lunch made by Uli. You both happily ate before saying your thanks and goodbyes to Uli.

Currently, the two of you were hanging around Ordon spring, just peacefully enjoying the quiet and calming air that surrounded the both of you.

You were sitting off to the side, out of the water, while Link was brushing Epona's mane. It was rather peaceful and soothing. The two of you may have been silent, but neither of you wanted to disturb the peaceful calming air.

While sitting against one of the walls, you leaned against it, before pulling your legs up so you could rest your book against them as you read. After a few moments, Link joined you. Sitting on the ground, before shuffling closer to you, so your sides were touching.

Epona seemed to be interested as well, as she layed herself down near Link and yourself. You chuckled, placing your bookmark in, before reaching over and petting Epona. The mare seemed rather happy with the sudden attention she was getting, as she whinnied happily.

The two of you continued to enjoy the hot summer day, occasionally going over to the water to cool down from the heat, before returning to your spot against the wall, and continuing the conversation.

After what seemed to probably have been an hour or two, Link and yourself began to make your way back to Link's home, with Epona following behind.

The both of you had been discussing about how the day had been, when suddenly you both saw Talo, Malo, Beth and Colin hanging around the tree like home.

After a few seconds, they seemed to take notice of Link and yourself, and very quickly ran over to the both of you, looking confused about something.

Link approached them, while you stood back, petting Epona. Colin walked over to you and began to pet Epona as well.

"What's up?"

Link managed to say before the children could speak. They all looked at each other, Beth shrugging her shoulders, and Malo with that same expression as always. Talo looked towards Link, before speaking, confusion and curiosity evident in his voice.

"Major Bo asked us to come find you, said something about needing to talk to the both of you about something important."

Link seemed to tense up, as you both quickly realised what he had meant. You walked over to Link, placing a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look over at you. You smiled in return, before moving your attention to Talo.

"Alright, we'll get on moving than, thanks for letting us know."

You smiled and waved, as you began walking Link down the path to the Village. Upon leaving the area around the house, your hand traveled to his right shoulder, so you could pull him closer to you and comfort him in some way.

Feeling the anxiety radiating off of him in waves, you felt this was a good way to try and comfort him. It seemed to work, because within seconds, you felt him melt against you, his head leaning against you, as he let out a deep anxious sigh.

"Do you think Rusl told him?"

You shrugged in responce, before turning your head to give him a reassuring smile.

"Maybe, your guess is as good as mine. But if that is true, just know that I'm here with you no matter what."

He returned your smile with his own nervous one. His face seemed to flush red at your comment, which only made your smile widen. You chuckled at his reaction, causing his face to go even redder, as you both continued down the path.

Upon entering the Village, you both were quick to notice Ilia, Rusl, Mayor Bo, and Katherine standing near the Mayor's home.

You could feel Link tense up again upon seeing Katherine. Link's breathing seemed to hitch, making you worried about him, really worried. You began to massage his shoulder in a attempt to calm him down, it seemed to work, a little.

Mayor Bo seemed to notice the both of you, and gestured for you both to go over there. Carefully and calmly, you began to make your way there at a slow pace, not wanting to freak Link out.

Neither of you seemed to enjoy confrontation, and you couldn't and wouldn't blame him for it. Katherine's eyes seemed to want to pierce your soul like a sword, but it wasn't working, nor would it ever work.

Of course, Katherine being Katherine, made herself appear kind, caring and innocent, even in the situation you presumed you were in.

Moving your head slightly closer to Link, so you could whisper to him without the others hear, as you still continued to approach.

"Link, if you don't want to talk, I can do the talking for you, if you'd like?"

Link looked at you, his eyes showing so much emotion behind them, but mainly panic. He gave a small smile of appreciation before nodding his head slightly. You returned his smile, before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Turning your attention back towards the others, you smiled slightly as you gave a small wave with your free hand.

Making the rest of the way over with Link, before coming to a stop infront of them. Mayor Bo gestured towards the house, before making his way inside the house. The five of you were quick to follow, you made sure Katherine didn't go in behind Link and yourself, before following shortly.

Link closed the door behind the two of you, before both of you made your way further in. Soon after, the room was filled with silence, for what felt like an eternity, but was actually only a few minutes.

Mayor Bo turned to look at everyone in the room, from Ilia, to Rusl, to Katherine, and then Link and yourself. Clearing his throat, he finally began to speak, breaking the silence.

"Ok, so what in Hylia's name is going on?"

1013 words!

Sorry if this chapter is a little sloppy, my brain is having a hard time trying to focus on literally anything other than Tears of the Kingdom.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I wish you all a good day/night, bye!

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