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Skylar's POV

I was in the studio on one of the couches working on another song but my mind was blank. I groaned as I scribbled the lyrics I wrote not even five minutes ago and flipped to a new page before starting again.
"My god that's like the tenth paper you've scribbled on, I think you need to take a quick break or you'll loose it." I look over my shoulder to see Katie waking over to me. I shrug as I close the notebook sliding it away from me as Katie sits next to me.
"What's wrong?" She asks taking my hand in hers as she waits for me to explain. I sigh rubbing my head.
" Its just that I can't think of a new song, it's almost been a year since my last big hit and I'm losing it Kate." I groan she nods understanding.
"Well maybe you need to take a break for a bit, let those creative juices take a break." She shrugs.
"My fans are already loosing it though."
"Well too bad, I'm sure they'd understand." I shake my head.
"Maybe you need to just switch your style, you've only really done break up songs, I bet if you did something different the fans would go nuts." She explains happily. I sit up straighter processing the idea.
"That's not a bad idea Kate." I praise as she smirks.
"Oh my god you should do a love song!" She shouts clapping her hands and jumping up excited." I shake my head waving my hands to stop her from dancing and cam her down.
"There's no way in hell I'm doing a love song!" I shout making her stop her happy dance. She frowns and plops next to me again with puppy eyes.
"Why though, you know the fans would love it, and a little change is good for you Sky." I sigh knowing she's right, there was just one thing holding me back.
"I've never wrote a love song before, I don't even know how to." I say running my fingers through my messy brown hair.
"You can just make it up, almost al songwriters 'do that."
"But that's what makes me different from them, I always write from the heart and I don't want to make up a song especially about love." I stand along with her and she pulls me into a quick hug before pulling away.
"Then we have to get you to fall in love." She squeals.
" Katie you know that I've only been in love a few times and it never works out right." I shake my head crossing my arms as she pouts again.
"Plus all of this for a song...I just don't know how I feel about it." Katie shakes her head and sighs before smiling at me.

"I think it's time to get back out there not even just to write a new song but so you can be really happy again, this could be a chance for you to experiment and live a little maybe even find the one."
I groan as she says that. It's so cliché, there is no one out there for me I'm sure of it. Or id probably already be with him. I'm 21 and I'm not getting any younger, maybe I just didn't have a soul mate after all.
"I think if I had a "one" that I would already be with him." I say finger quoting around the word one. Katie shakes her head though.
"I know that it's been tough to even thinking about getting back out especially after...Justin, but it kills me to see you here all sad by yourself you really need a man." She says and I nod my head.
"Fine but only because I'm hungry and I wanna get some food, also never say his name again remember our rule." I say pointing a finger. Her face goes red and she slaps her head.
"I'm so sorry I forgot, I promise I won't do it again." I smile taking her hand in mine.
"Now let's go gets some tacos." I say as we hand and hand out the door to lunch.

Harry POV

I was on my phone waiting for JJ to get to Ethan's house before we could all talk. JJ said he had a great idea for our next video but I'm not sure I believe him. When it comes to JJ he has some pretty crazy ideas although they almost always backfire, gotta love the guy though. I check the time and see that he's almost fifteen minutes late and shake my head.
"Bloody hell JJ got us all packed here just to not show up on time." I say making the others laugh.
"Maybe it's all a prank?" Vik says looking up from his phone but I shake my head.
"Then this is a bloody stupid prank." After o say that I see JJ enter holding an iced coffee and I slap my head.
"Don't tell me you made me sit here just cause you wanted a bloody iced coffee."
He just smiles at me before laughing and I can't help but do the same. His laugh is so contagious.
"Well at least be showed up you remember last time he got us all here and canceled cause he met that girl." Ethan piped up.
"Trust me bro she was worth it." JJ smirked making us all fake gag.
"Bloody hell JJ, just get on with the news you have I gotta fate later." Josh sighs.
Josh has always been the dad of the group witch is great because I can talk to him about anything, I love that he is also kind and wise and I can go to him to see if what I'm doing is the right decision.

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