Chapter 6

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I ran up to my room. So did violet. I heard her frantically shut and lock her door. So did I. "STOP IT IM NOT LETTING YOU IN THIS HOUSE.!" I heard a door open "shit shit shit" I thinks someone's on violets room. Hopefully it's Tate. But why would he be here?. I don't think anyone got into the house. " I have called 911! The police are on their way!!" Mom shouts
Mom screams. Shit what do I do. I feel as if I'm paralyzed I can't move I don't know what to do. I switch my knife back open. I stand in the middle of my room. Ready for anything that comes in. This guy comes in my room. Hits me over the head. I fall. The next thing I see is I'm tied up on the floor.
"Oh what the fuck" I mutter
"I have money please just take anything"

" We're not here to rob you,masks off." They reveal themselves. Oh shit is that dad patient??
One of the women continues to speak. "The transcript was very clear,"
The women continues,
"The nurses saw R.Franklin, he had nothing to hide, twelve minutes."
" Then the fun begins" it that wacko patient Ben was seeing because she had a dream about being cut in half in an elevator.
The man chuckles
"I have a surprise for you guys"
"No way " the guy said
"I got it on eBay, authenticated. It's the one he used to bash maria."
"Let me see it"
The guy grabs the broke ceramic bowl"

"Holy shit, you can feel the energy in this, this is bitchin"
"Who goes first? Which one is Gladys"
I read about this murder. There was only two victims? What will the do to me? I assume they are going to pic mom and vi.. so what are they gonna do to me?"

The lady points at violet.
The lady throws vi some weird nurse costume. "Screw you psycho I'm putting this on!"
"You have to. Everything has to be perfect."
" TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF" the guy shouts. "No way!" The guy grabs violet
"Hey!!! Put it on me! Mom shouts.
I look over at her! " No! Put it on me! I say " Raven no!"
"Oh you both will be wearing uniforms. R. Franklin hated nurses, he had a bad experience with the mercury in a broken thermometer, that's why he took Gladys upstairs and drowned her in the tub, and you- Maria he saved you for last, But you brown hair your not I don't know what to do with you yet.

"R. Franklin was the first before Manson, he changed the culture, were paying tribute to him" " We're not going to be part of your reenactment."
"Put this on. You won't like it if I have to make you." Violet stands out and starts to unfold it, then she hits the lady in the head. Oh shit. The lady falls back. Violet starts to run, she trips on the chair moms tied to. Moms chair falls over and they start to chase violet, I manage to untangle myself I start to untangle mom "don't untangle me, go help violet!". I run in the direction violet ran to just to see her being pulled into the pantry by Tate. Thank god he was here. I run up to my room to find my knife. I enter my room and I'm searching for it. Obviously when I was struck I dropped it. I look in my mirror. Blood it dripping from my forehead.

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