20. Eggs Billy pov

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I woke up feeling drained, and sore sense I fell asleep sitting up in my car. Looking in the rear view mirror the bags under my eyes were bad. I threw on a pair of shades and drove to nearest breakfast place.

I walked in and sat at a table and a waitress walked over to my table.

"Wild night?" She winked and I rolled my eyes under my shades.

"Yeah." I said annoyed.

The waitress continued to flirt with me until the check came.

"Let's go do something fun." I said. 

"I'm working!" She blushed.

"So?" I said knowing she was going to come anyway.

"Okay let's do it!" She yipped and you stood up walking to the door. Before you walked out you saw a scramble egg on someone's plate.

"Heys grab some eggs when you come out!" I said walking out the door.

She quickly followed and we sat in my car.

I turned my car on roaring the engine and drove out. I had to drive fast to (y/n)s before this chick started up something.

Driving up I saw Steve's car still in (y/p) driveway. He spent the night...

"Ooo is this your house what are we doing?" The waitress asked.

"Alright how many eggs do u have?" I asked her hoping we could egg both there houses.

"We're egging peoples houses?" She asked annoyed.

"Yeah this girl cheated on her boyfriend." I said.

"There was only one egg." She said holding it up.

"Alright when I say when throw it at that car." I said pointing at Steves.

"Okayyyy." She said.

I roared my engine loud and (y/p) still didn't come out. So I honked the horn hoping (y/p) would see me with another girl.

(Y/p) came out and my stomach twisted but I had to put on a brave face.

"Slut!" The girl screamed out the window as she threw the egg at the wrong car.

"That was the wrong car!" I said as she rolled her eyes.

"Well I forgot can we do something actually fun now??" She whined as I quickly drove out.

"Alright that was fun." I  winked after taking my sunglasses off and parked in front of the breakfast place.

"Are you serious?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Your a dick, don't ever come back here!" She screamed as I quickly drove off laughing.

She may have been mad, but I got exactly what I wanted. (Y/n) to see me with another girl and now (y/p)'ll definitely come crawling back to me any minute now.

I drove home and my dad and stepmom were gone thankfully. I walked in to see max with a bunch of other random kids in my living room.

"Get the fuck out I'm lifting in here!" I said walking past them all to the radio putting in the kiss album while lighting another cigarette.

"We we're here first ass-!" Max said.

I looked at her while turning the music up louder that I couldn't hear her, and she left with her friends.

"I was made for lovin' you, baby. You were made for lovin' me" played through out the house as I put weights on the rack.

By night time is when I started to think of (y/n) again. (Y/p) didn't end up calling or crawling back like I thought.

What can I do to get (y/n) attention? I thought of ideas for hours until I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning and got ready for school I wore the same outfit as the first time I moved here.

"I cant wait for (y/n) to see all these girls around me so (y/p) sees what (y/p)'s missing and I'm going to make sure every single one of them know what you did (y/n)." I said to myself in the mirror while I fixed my hair up a bit.

I got to school early and walked over to the most popular girl I know at Hawkins.

"Wait your saying (y/p) cheated on you!" She said shocked.

"Yeah..." I sighed trying to dramatize how I was feeling.

"I'm so sorry!!" She said and soon all her friends crowded.

I walked into school but before I could, I realized what I just did was so fucked up. I shook my head trying to remind myself I can't feel sorry for (y/n) anymore because (y/p) put this on themselves for cheating on me.

I suddenly couldn't go in I had to wait for (y/p) to get here I wanted to see (y/p). Just once before heading into class.

I heard (y/p)s car and saw (y/p) step out and walking towards school. Seeing everyone stare at her. I gulped realized word gets around a lot faster in a small down.

"She's a mess"
"Ew what a slut"

I realized I made a mistake and I need to talk to (y/n).

I sat in first period anxiously realizing I shouldn't have told everyone.

The bell run and I was now walking out the locker room and some girl I've seen like once walked up to me.

"Billy I'm so sorry about (y/n) if u need anything call me!" She said handing me a note and kissing my cheek.

A little grossed out I walked in trying to act like that did not just happen.

Turning my head back around as I walked in the doors I saw (y/p). I was going to talk to (y/p).

"Hargrove you better wipe that shit off your face and get your ass out here in 30 seconds or detention!" Said the coach as (y/n) turned around looking at me.

I didn't know I had a lipstick stain on me. I looked over at (y/n) again and walked towards (y/p). I hated this. I could see sadness in (y/p) eyes and all I wanted was to make things better. I didn't know what do to at this point. But I saw Steve getting fist bumps which rose my anger again.

Without thinking I grabbed (y/n) sleeve wiping it off and (y/p) looked at me angrily and I ran off.

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