8. All eyes

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"Put me down!!" You yelled an he laughed.

"Shhh I wouldn't want to meet your parents this way..." he said laying you down on your bed.

"She isn't home." You said sitting up. Looking at billy as his face lit up.

"Oh really?" He asked sitting next to you placing your legs over his.

"Ya an shouldn't be home until Monday or something?" You sighed.

"Hmm then I guess we have a lotttt of catching up to do..." he said trailing his hand slowly up your leg.

"What do you mean?" You questioned him.

"It feels like I been away from you for so long I missed you!" He said circulating his fingers on your thigh very close to your area.

"Missed you... your kisses.. your body... your touch..." he trailed on slowly leaning into you.
You smiled laying back. "Billy will you just lay with me for a second."

"Yeah" He said getting closer to you.

"Good cause we need to talk!" You said rolling over on your side facing him.

His face looked worried as his eyebrows were close an seemed very interested in what you were about to say.

"Billy listen your a great guy and I love being around you. But I feel like this is moving quite fast. I need to to understand that I'm not exactly used to this kissy kissy etc. stuff and so if that's all you want from me than you should go ahead and find someone else." You said sighing.

"So what your saying is that you think I'm just doing all of this to get some?" He asked.

"I mean yeah." You said.

"Wow so that's all you think of me?" He asked with a brow raised.

He moved closer to you. "Y/n I would not be here right now waisting as much time as I already have with you just to get some. As soon as my eyes met with yours I knew you were meant for me an I needed to be with you." He argued.

"Billy we've only known each other for like 3 days." You sighed.

"This conversation is honestly very disappointing to me." He said sitting back up.

"Well y/n tell me you didn't have the same feeling once you were going into the woods with me? If i were you I would be like this guy is a maniac no way am I going with him." He laughed.

"I do feel something between us but I just feel like it's so fast you have yet to explore every other girl here before you make any decisions. I don't know if you can tell but the second you walk in a room every girl would drop to there knees for you."

"Why would I do that? Your making it seem like I want to explore like I'm some huge player." He started to look a little more frustrated.

"Billy" you sighed.

"No I've had enough of this conversation, you only see me as some player just because I have some good moves. To me it sounds like your not up for a challenge as if there would be one. Every girl at your school has probably hated you before I even came here. I don't know if you noticed or not but when you walk in a room everyone stops what there doing to watch. I chose you." He said before opening you window.

Your heart sunk a little for the guilt you had put on Billy. You had such a strong stereotype on him the second you saw him just for being hot. You watched his movements as you laid still on the bed.

"Billy I'm sorry" you said sitting up.

"You don't need to apologize, now I just know what you really think of me." He said.

"Billy no. I don't think of you as a player or just trying to get with me." You said.

"We both know your just saying that." He sighed.

You didn't know what to say. You felt like at this point the only good thing to do was let him have a little time to think as you needed it too. You couldn't keep liking both him and Steve at the same time. Aswell as hurting them both.

"I'll see you tomorrow y/n" Billy said while climbing out your window.

This is for the best you thought when soon small little drops of tears fell down your face. You messed up bad. You went downstairs to eat some candy before going back up to your room and closing your window.

Your face went back into your pillow and you soon fell asleep.

The next morning you woke up still feeling terrible you wondered if Billy even wanted you to come to his party still.

"Mornin" Steve said barging in your room.

"How did you get in?" You moaned rolling out of your bed.

"Door was unlocked. Now come on get up I'm not trying to be late again!" He shouts running down the stairs.

You quickly got dressed an ready for school. Heading downstairs with Steve watching the tv an looking at all the candy wrappers in front of it.
"Long night?" He asked.

"Yeah I'll tell you another time because believe it or not we're running late once again!" You sighed while you both bolted out the door.

"So care to explain the bags under your eyes an all the candy wrappers on the floor?" He asked while you guys were almost at the school.

"Just a lot of stuff on my mind... I don't really wanna talk about it." You sighed.

"I hear ya" he said.

You guys parked an lucky you as soon as you got out you an Billy made eye contact. He gave Steve the death glare then headed into the school as so did you an steve.

"Where's Nancy?" You asked.

"Not sure maybe running late." He replied

It was now second period. You walked your laps an went to the bleachers as all the guys headed to the courts. You looked at Billy but he didn't look back.

It was now third period and Steve was surprisingly the first person in there.
"Where were you last period an how are you here early shouldn't you be with Nancy?" You asked taking your seat next to him.

"I was with her all last period." He smiled.

"Gross" u said as he laughed.

The bell rung an finally Billy came walking in. He didn't even look at you. He sat down in his seat next to Tammy.

"That's a lovely blouse Tammy" Billy grinned after giving you a quick side eye to see if you were listening.

You watched as her face lit up and her cheeks became a little rosey as they pretty much flirted the whole period.

He looked back at you minutes before the bell rang. Your eye rolled as you were annoyed. He knew what he was doing for sure and you hated it. You knew what you had to do as bad as it was.

Leaning closer to Steve you whispered "hey".

Steve smiled whispering back at you "What are you doing?" He said.

Billy looked upset and turned back around.

"I'm not really sure let's stop now" You said.

"Yeah okay weirdo" Steve said as you giggled.

"Tammy I'm having this party tonight You should be there." He said.

She was quick to say yes as the bell rang.

You walked into your last period a little later than usual an looked around the room as heading to your seat.  You noticed that people in fact we're watching your every move.  You saw Billy sitting in his seat already an looking down at the paper.

You expected him to at least look at you as you sat down but you had no reaction from him. He just sat there.

Maybe Baby (Billy Hargrove X Reader ) ( Steve Harrington X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now