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Villain: HA you fool, what makes you think you can compare to the likes of ME PREPARE TO DIE WEAKLING.

Y/n (thoughts): He's right, I mean, look at the size of that monster. I can't fight that, but at the same time, I can't just die here. Please superpowers work.

Narrator: Y/n figured this was the end he will die in a world he had never seen before.

Narrator: Worst of all, he is still a virgin.

Narrator: But wait a minute you just got here, allow me to catch you up to speed.

It's rewind time.

24 hours before.

The scene opens up to a classroom.

Inside that classroom, we see a very handsome, muscular, and elegant looking man. This was not Y/n; this was Chad.

Girls(and some boys): Oooohh Chad (swoons).

Narrator: But in the back of the room, we see a wild Y/n in his natural habitat shh... don't want to startle him.

We then see Y/n picking his nose and flicking the boogers away.

Y/n: Huh?

Narrator: Y/n was known as a bit of a slacker and for good reason. He rarely puts in any effort into what he does except for one thing. His meme collection, he had all the knowledge of memes no one could compare.

"Y/N!" The teacher yelled, catching him of guard.

Y/n: Ahh yes, Ma'am.

Teacher: Could you please give us the answer to the problem (points to the board)?

Y/n: Uh.. Number 69!

The class erupted with laughter while the teacher gave you a cold glare.

Teacher: Mr. L/n if you haven't noticed this is World Geo. Please pay more attention.


Teacher: Please don't forget to do your reports over the summer.

Class: BOO, NO WAY, UGH(other cries of protest).

Y/n: Well, that was interesting, am I right?

Narrator: There was nobody with him.

Y/n: I am lonely -_-.

We then cut to Y/n in his house. His parents were out for a while, and his siblings were in college, so he basically had the whole house to himself for the entire summer
(Lucky bastard).

Y/n: Hmm, what to do.. Oh, I have an idea today I'll be a productive person and put in work so that I may improve on myself.

Spongebob Narrator: 12 seconds later.

Y/n was seen passed out after 12 seconds of trying to write his report.

Suddenly a dark blue mist surrounds our protagonist as he started to wake up.

Y/n: Huh wha?

Y/n slowly started to disappear


In a last minute effort Y/n grabbed his phone in hopes to call for help. But it was too late as our hero closed his eyes and he was gone.
(Reduced to atoms)

Y/n's pov

I opens my eyes only to find myself falling through a vortex at high speeds.

Me:(holds up sign that says bye-bye)

The Hero Of MEMES (Mha X Powerful M!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now