After their marriage, life was different. They are more romantic towards each other and more caress to each other. But because of a person that came into their life, changed everything. Will this affect their marriage? Will they end up their marriag...
I woke up and noticed the surrounding of the room. I was in the hospital.
Yesterday, Kylian immediately carried me and rushed to find a taxi. Just before we found one, I fainted and now here I am, in the hospital.
"Baby?" I called for him and Kylian approached me from the sofa.
I seated up, looking worried. "What's wrong with me? What happened to our baby? Did I-? Lots of question asked.
"Baby, don't move a lot. Our baby is fine. See, this is our baby." He showed me a picture of an ultrasound.
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"That's our baby?" I began to feel relax.
"Yes. Our baby." He said. "The doctor told me that you're stress. Luckily, we got here quick. If not, we might lose our baby." He explained.
I'm shocked. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't do it on purpose. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. Please forgive me." I hold his hand tight and my tears were running down my cheeks.
"Shh shh shh. It's not your fault. Now you just need to relax ok. I'm going out for a while. Bruna is coming to take care of you. I'll be back soon."
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"I have to settle something. I'll promise I'll be back soon." He kissed my forehead and left.
How can I bleed? Stress? Of work? Or..
Kylian POV
I need to find her. Bella got warded because of her. If not her fucking mouth, my wife wouldn't be stress and bleed. But thank God, both my babies are safe.
"Oli, my family's house." I saw Oli as I got in the car. I told Oli to come to the hospital in case I need some transportation.
Ethan texted me few hours ago, informing me that Alicia came to meet Maman. So I guess, I'm going to Maman's house.
"Kylian, we're here." Oli said as he stopped the car. I got out and saw Damian was outside, playing with his phone.
"Bonjour Damian." I waved at him and entered the house.
"Alicia!!" I shouted for her name as soon as I saw her. "Comment osez-vous venir ici !! Après tout ce que tu as fait, tu as encore le courage de venir ici, comme si de rien n'était (How dare you come here!! After all the things that you have done, you still have the gut to come here, as if nothing have happened)." I said firmly.
"Kylian, ne parlez jamais grossier à notre invité. Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas (don't ever talk rude to our guest. What's wrong with you)." Maman talked.
"A cause d'elle, ma femme a été protégée. Alicia, je te préviens. S'il arrive quelque chose à ma femme ou à mon enfant, je ne te laisserai pas partir (Because of her, my wife got warded. Alicia, I'm warning you. If anything happens to my wife or my child, i will not let you go)." I warned Alicia, staring at her eyes.
"Kylian arrête ça (Kylian stop it)!!" Maman stood up, gritted her teeth. "Pourquoi tu lui parles comme ça ? Je ne t'ai jamais appris à parler grossièrement à une dame (Why do you talk to her like that? I've never taught you to speak rudely to a lady)."
Listened to Maman's reaction, I was shocked. "Wow je ne peux pas croire que vous la défendiez autant que votre belle-fille (Wow i can't believe you defend her so much than your daughter in law)." I said sadly. "C'est bon. je vais juste partir (It's fine. I'll just leave)." I looked at Alicia and she was just seating, pretending to be innocent. I turned my back and walked to the door to exit.
"Kylian wait." I heard Papa's voice. I stopped.
"Ne prenez pas trop au sérieux le comportement de votre mère (Don't take your mother's behavior too seriously)." He tapped my shoulder, gave me some encouragement.
"Tout était de la faute d'Alicia, papa. Je ne peux pas me taire. C'est ma femme et mon enfant (It was all Alicia's fault Papa. I can't just kept quiet. That's my wife and my child)." I was really sad. Maman don't usually treat Bella like this.
"Je sais fils. Je vais lui rendre visite aujourd'hui d'accord. À propos de maman, fais comme si elle n'avait rien dit (I know son. I will visit her today alright. About Maman, just pretend she did not said anything)." I felt happy when Papa said that. I smiled and leave.
Bella POV
"How dare she said that to you?!! Who is she!!! She have no right to said nasty things to you. You know what I'm going to tell Ney about it and just leave it to him on what he wanted to do." Bruna said furiously.
"Finished?" I chuckled.
"Bella, it's not funny. You need to do something." She said worriedly.
"I don't know Bru. I'm tired of fighting back." I said, shook my head.
"So you're just going to let her snatched Kylian away from you?" She asked, still in her furious voice.
I didn't answered her question. I kept quiet, and thought of what could happened. I don't care what Alicia wanted to do to me but not Kylian and my baby. They are half of my life and I could not afford to lose them.
"I'm tired Bru. I want to sleep. If you want to go home, just go ahead. Don't wake me up when Kylian came back." I pulled up the blanket, lying down and I closed my eyes.