12 - (Part 1) The pressure

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I was at the emergency ward, waiting for updates from the doctor. I was shivering, walking back and forth outside the room. What did I do? This was all my fault.

I waited there for nearly 2 hours but the doctor did not come out yet. I'm so worried. What if there's something bad that will happen to Bella. I will not forgive myself.

"Kylian!" I heard Maman's voice from distance. As soon as both of them were nearby, I immediately hugged Maman tightly. "Ne pleure pas ma chérie. Elle va bien (Don't cry sweetheart. She's going to be fine)." Maman patted my back as tears started to run down my cheeks.

"Comment Bella a-t-elle pu avoir un accident (How can Bella got into an accident)?" Papa asked when I started to calm down. I couldn't said anything. I took out the pictures from my pocket and gave them to Papa. While Papa was looking through, he frowned. I already knew what he's going to said. "Kylian, qu'est-ce que c'est (Kylian, what are these)?"

"Je suis désolé maman papa. Je ne sais vraiment pas ce qui s'est passé à ce moment-là. je ne suis pas conscient (I'm sorry Mama Papa. I really don't know what happened at that time. I'm not conscious)." I paused before continued. "Bella a vu ces photos et elle a voulu me quitter. Elle veut divorcer. Et c'est là qu'elle a eu un délit de fuite (Bella saw these photos and she wanted to leave me. She wants to get a divorce. And that's when she got into a hit and run)." I explained.

"Comment as-tu pu Kylian ? C'est ta femme (How could you Kylian? She's your wife)!" Maman was furious.

"Arrêtons ça, pouvons-nous ? Concentrons-nous juste sur Bella. Nous continuerons cette discussion bientôt (Just stop this, can we? Let's just focus on Bella. We will continue this discussion soon)." Papa said as all of us stay silence. I looked at the room and still no sight of the doctor. "Have you informed your in-laws?" Papa asked. I nodded my head and still not easy to sit.

"Kylian!!" I heard a familiar voice approaching me. I saw Neymar, Bruna, Hakimi, Presnel, Jose and Steph came. "Kylian, what's wrong with Bella? What happened?" Stephanie quickly asked tons of question but I can't answer.

I saw Neymar was looking at the pictures that were placed on one of the chair. "Alors c'est ça. Kylian ! Hier, vous avez manqué toute la journée et C'EST CE QUE VOUS AVEZ FAIT (So this is it. Kylian! Yesterday you were missing for the whole day and THIS WAS WHAT YOU DID)!"

"Ney, je- (Ney, i-)"

"N'ose pas ouvrir la bouche et me laisser avoir de la sympathie pour toi ! Bella a eu un accident à cause de VOUS ! Elle a affaire à la vie et à la mort à cause de VOUS ! TOUT EST DE TA FAUTE! S'il arrivait quelque chose à Bella, je ne te pardonnerais pas putain (Don't you dare open your mouth and let me have sympathy on you! Bella got into an accident because of YOU! She's dealing with life and death because of YOU! IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! If anything happened to Bella, I will not fucking forgive you)!" He said with anger. He put down the pictures back on the chair and walked away, full with anger. I can't say anything. I know my mistakes.

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