13 - (Part 2) The pressure

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Every minute, every hour, every day I waited for Bella to wake up. It's been 2 months since the accident. Every day, I will always be by the side, praying and hoping she wakes up. I miss her voice, her smile, her laughter, and her sarcastism.

"Kylian, coffee." Neymar came in and handed me a cup of coffee.


"Quand est-ce que tu vas revenir t'entrainer (When are you going to come back to training)?" Neymar asked.

"Until Bella's awake." I answered as I took a sip of the coffee. "Comment est le match (How's the match)?"

"Nous avons gagné (We won)." I nodded my head.

"Des nouvelles d'Alicia (Any news about Alicia)?" Neymar asked.

"Non mais je suis sûr qu'elle sera punie un jour (No but I'm sure that she will be punished one day)."

"En as-tu parlé à ta mère (Have you told your Mom about this)?" Neymar keeps questioning.

"Je ne vais pas dire. Je veux que maman sache par elle-même (I will not tell. I want Mom to know by herself)." I said, not agreeing with Neymar.

The door suddenly opened. Our conversation then stopped. Bella's parents came in. "How is she doing?" Mom asked.

I shook my head. "No change at all. she's still the same as every day." All the four of us looked at Bella.

We were all in the room for half an hour. Maman and Papa are on their way here.

"Mom.." I heard a weak voice. I saw some movement on Bella's hand.

"Bella?" Mom called for her name.

"Mom.. Dad.." I was relieved at this moment. She's awake.

"Bella, can you hear me sweetheart?" As Mom asked, Bella slowly nodded her head. "Oh my God!! Thank God! Kylian, called the doctor." Mom said as I was about to exit the room.

"It's ok. Stay here. I'll go." Ney stopped me as he exited.

"Mom, Dad. Where am I?" She asked, still in a weak voice.

"You're in a hospital darling. You'll be fine." I heard Mom sob.

Bella then slowly turned her head. She saw me. I was scared. I'm afraid if she does not want to see me. "Who.. are.. you.." My eyes widened by her words that came out from her mouth.

"Bella, what are you talking about? He's your-" Dad was about to finish his sentence but the doctor then came in.

"Hi Miss. I'm Doctor Julien. May I know your name and age?"

"Bella Cooper. I'm... 18." I'm speechless. What is going on?

"Miss Cooper, can you tell us what year we are in?" The doctor continued asking questions.

"20..12" I was lost. I do not know what just happened. I looked at Mom and Dad and they looked so worried. I saw Mom was tearing.

"Can I have the patient's parents come with me?" He said as all of us, including Neymar exited the room.

Both Bella's parents and I went into the doctor's room. Neymar was waiting outside of Bella's room.

"Doc, what's wrong with my wife? Why can't she remember me? And her age, she's 28 not 18." As all of us sat down, I immediately asked multiple questions.

The doctor cleared his throat before explaining. "We did an X-ray and noticed there's still some internal bleeding in the brain that causes her to lose her memory. She seems not to remember what happened 10 years ago of her life."

Complication - Kylian Mbappe Where stories live. Discover now