Chp3 - The Flight

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Veronica sobbed as she ran towards their tent. She murmured to herself, "I told you, I told you that he's not good".

Then she heard somebody call out her name. "Veronica, Veronica, wait". She didn't bother and kept on moving.

He ran fast enough and caught her by her arm to stop her. Veronica was shocked to see him. It was Mathew, Ron's best friend.
"Matthew...?", she asked him, wiping her tears.

"You love him?", he asked.

"I... love... someone....who are you talking about?", she stammered.

"You know that....", he smirked and looked straight into her dark eyes. "Ron" and he widened his eyes.

Holy Shit!
He knew it.

She shook her head and pushed away his hand forcefully. "No I don't love him".

She turned around and was about to leave just then, he spoke again.

"Why don't you listen to me? He likes you but won't accept it. There's something about you that attracts him maybe, your simplicity."

Oh God! Veronica turned back to face him and she raised an eyebrow, "What? That's not possible. He loves Miranda and everyone knows it".

"Let me go now and please stop stalking me, Matthew", she requested him.

"I'm not stalking you. I'm just worried about Ron", he said as he paced back and forth on the sand.

Veronica clasped her fingers and asked Mathew, "Why are you worried about him?"

Mathew pointed towards the cruise and said, "I loved her so much. She meant the world to me but, she was using me". He groaned, maybe he had tears in his eyes.

Then he looked at the sky and screamt bitterly, "Miranda, I hate you for doing this to me. You cheated on me". Tears rolled from his eyes.

He looked at Veronica intently and told her, "You can stop her. Don't let her hurt Ron the way she hurt me."

Veronica walked towards him and comforted him by placing her palm over his shoulder. She said, "Mathew, I don't think I might be able about to do this".

He winked at her, fighting off the tears, "You can Veronica, you can if I let you."


The next morning, it was late and Veronica was still sleeping. Renee didn't want to disturb her so she left a note,

"Venny, I'm sorry but I have to leave as Audrey needs my help in something."

Eventually she got up and started hurrying to catch up with everyone who were already on the shore.

Veronica walked hastily and reached finally when she found the newly installed, giant billboard




He looked very handsome in his navy blue flying suit along with the paramotor on his back.

Ron's employees were busy setting up the paraglider trike and the wing. A few of them were analyzing the velocity of the winds for the tandem flying.

Ron was minutely checking each and every detail because it was his first flying event in public. He had to ensure that everything was perfect.

On the other hand, Mathew was collecting chits from everyone who were interested in flying with Ron.

It was like a stupid-lucky-draw for Veronica and she wasn't interested in it at all.

A stage was set up with beautiful flowers decorating the arena. Everyone assembled near the stage and waited for the arrival of the chief guests.

Everyone applauded at the arrival of the chief guests, the Mayor, Mr. Dawson, chief flying instructor, Mr. Walter and the commissioner, Mr. Lewis.

On the other hand, Miranda looked ravishing in her red georgette gown. She greeted the judges with lovely bouquets.

The Commissioner who was earlier feeling soporific, now seemed to enjoy Miranda's presence.

Audrey coordinated the entire event. He spoke humbly, "I now request our honorable mayor Mr. Dawson to kindly present this award to our youngest powered paraglider, Ron Walter."

On hearing this, everyone cheered Ron as re ran up to the stage to receive his award.

After the commendation ceremony concluded, Sir Barretto collected the glass bowl filled with chits from Matthew and then announced, "Ok so now I have the chits and I'm going to announce the name of the lucky boy or girl who will be accompanying Ron Walter."

Then Matthew went and stood next to Veronica.

In the mean while, Sir Barretto whirled his hands inside the glass bowl and finally picked up a chit from it and annunciated the name "The lucky girl is Veronica".

Veronica's eyes flew open. A cold chill crept down her spine. She looked angrily at Matthew. She realized what he had told her the previous night

"You can Veronica, you can if I let you."

Clearly, Mathew had replaced the bowl of chits.

Mathew shook his head and pleaded her, "Please Veronica it's just a matter of one flight with Ron. Please say yes otherwise Sir Baretto will pick up another chit and it will reflect your name again. I will be screwed."

She immediately spat the words,

Although Veronica didn't want to go but something inside urged her and she accepted it readily. Deep in her heart she was happy for what Mathew did but she was stubborn enough to not thank him.

"I'm doing it for you and not for him", she responded with a scowl.

"Veronica where are you? Please come up here", Sir Barretto asked in his usual frustrated tone.

"Yes Sir, Sorry Sir", she stammered.


Ron started the engine and took his seat. Veronica stood there in an ambivalent situation. She was both excited and nervous about the flight.

But then Ron assured her with a warm smile. He then extended his hand to her to make her sit ahead of him.

On seeing this, Miranda was agitated. She looked at Mathew angrily and clenched her fists.

Mathew seemed to enjoy everything that was happening. He retaliated her with a smirk.

In a meanwhile, the crowd gathered was cheering aloud as they heard the engine roar.

Veronica placed her hand on his palm. He caught her hand firmly. The moment their fingers intertwined, she felt cold shivers in her veins.
Oh My God! I'm in trouble now.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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