Out of the frying pan, into the fire

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"Ah there you are maple leaf" you shivered turning to see a boy with fluffy white hair with a single red streak in it. Kazuha.

He began approaching you slowly.
"I wondered when you'd appear" he said in a weirdly calming voice.

"I apologise in advance for this dear" he said before bringing a cloth to your face and gently whispering calming words into your ear.

"It's okay. Go to sleep (Y/N)...... there you go. Sleep" you could feel yourself loosing conscious and gently being guided into Kazuha's welcoming and warm embrace.

You woke up, yet again, in a bed that wasn't yours, to find a kazuha kneeling by your head, playing with your hair.

" good Morning (Y/N), I hope your dreams were pleasant my dear." You were baffled by how calmly he was behaving despite having just kidnapped you.

If Kazuha and Venti could do it what is stopping the others, more importantly how were you going to get out of this one.

Venti was bound by his morals of freedom and to a certain extent, so was kazuha, but the others? No.

You were snapped out of your thought by kazuha pulling out a bowl of piping miso soup from a bedside table.

"Here, it will calm your headache from our little journey here" he smiled at you.

You stared at him coldly.

" what's wrong? Is the rope too tight?" Kazuha said beginning to panic at your sudden mood swing.

He loosened the rope around your ankle a little but it was unnecessary since you couldn't feel the rope in the first place.

"Please talk my maple leaf, I'm doing this for your own good. That stupid bard had kept you away from me for too long. You wouldn't even log on to genshin because of that idiot. I didn't get to see your cute face. Your presence to me was like a ship's sails that guide a boat. Without them the boat would sink forever lost to time. So please talk to me, I only wish to pry you from the malicious grasp of sadness, my sweet." He scoots a little closer to you every sentence he says until he's almost straddling you.

You had become very uncomfortable due to his advances despite his words having reached you.

Kazuha realised he'd made you uncomfortable and moved back a little but smiled at seeing you relax a bit.

He tried to spoon feed you some of the ramen only for you to spit it back in his face. He looked almost angry but quickly sighed muttering something about him understanding your situation under his breath.

"What bed do you want to sleep in (Y/N)?" Kazuha asked trying to lighten the mood.

"My own." you replied coldly.
"I'm afraid that is simply not an option (Y/N), you know I can't send you back to your world. You seem a little unstable, how about I sleep with you tonight."
The last part was not a question. Although sharing a bed with Kazuha was awkward he at least made an effort to not make your uncomfortable.

Deep down he yearned to pull you closer and protect you from any harm that came for you but he restrained himself knowing he would just make matters worse for you two.

Maple leaves ~ KAZUHA~ YANDERE GENSHIN PT 2Where stories live. Discover now