Dating William James Moriarty ♡

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Dating William James Moriarty:

- Library dates

- Likes to do his work, while you are on the couch reading your favourite book or just being here, because just your presence calms him

- Lays with his head on your lap while sleeping peacefully

- Is protective over you

- Favourite place to kiss you is your hands, forehead and your lips

- When he is kissing you he stares in your eyes for a few seconds before he kiss you

- He tried to give you less dangerous mission. In the beginning he considers to don't let you on any missions, but you reassure him that you want to help him with his plans and nothing is going to happened to you

- You often must convince him to take a break from work

- From time to time he is a little jealous of James when he is flirting with you again. In the end you tell him that he is the only one and that you would never leave him. Which made him happy

- He likes to hear your opinion on several things

- He plays with your hair while you sleep

- You fall asleep on Williams lap and he really need to get up to go do something but doesn't want to wake you up

- William really likes to cuddle with you in the end of the day. Just forget everything, laying comfortable in his arms and feeling kisses from him on your head from time to time

- Almost every night deep talks together. You guys staying awake the whole night of that because you didn't realise that's the next morning. When Louis found you guys like that, he gives both of you a lecture that it's not healthy for you

- He is a private person so, he isn't telling you at first everything, but when he realise that he loves and trust you enough, he slowly warming up to you and telling you more and more things by the time

- When he wants to go to the university, you always checked again before he leaves if his tie is right, if not you fix it for him and kissing him goodbye

- He adores it when you are sitting on his lap and playing with his hair while he's doing some stuff for the uni

- When you two are in bed and you can't sleep, he is laying you on his chest and reads your favourite book to you

- You often bring him his lunch - which he forgot - to the university. Sometimes he is doing this on purpose just to see you

- The students find you adorable together. They ship you

- Occasionally he likes to dance with you in the middle of the night. During the dance you put your head on his shoulder and he puts his head in the crock of your neck, while you are slowly swinging to the music

- He is calling you "my love", "dear"

- After he kissed you, he rests his forhead on to yours for a few seconds before letting you go

- You can't keep a secret from this man. If you want to suprise him with a suprise Party, he already knew it

- When you borrow books to each other you think the other one would enjoy, you like to put little notes in it about how you find this scene, what there are thinking about this part and putting little love notes in it


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter:)
Don't forget to drink and eat something.
Have great day
Bye bye<33

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