~Having a child/children with them~

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Requested by Montana21Michaelis

[This only includes the Moriarty brothers and Sherlock]

[This only includes the Moriarty brothers and Sherlock]

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- He have an adorable son

- The first time when Albert and Louis are gonna see his son, was very important. William is very happy to see his family all together

- When his child is crying in the middle of the night, he is the one who is looking after them. William thinks you deserve the rest

- His son is always with him. Sitting in his father's lap, while watching him doing paperwork is his favourite activity

- William gives his best to spend a lot of time with his son and his wife

- Will make you worried, when Liam decided to take a walk with him. They come back home when the moon is slowly rising, because they got lost on the way. But you son found it very adventurous

- When his son gets older and he is capable to read and write, William will teach him many things. It makes him happy to see his son so interested in so many things

 It makes him happy to see his son so interested in so many things

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- Louis have a little girl

- Louis would love to do her hair. Everyday in a different hairstyle

- He is cooking for you two. It's not a problem at all to feed her, because how can you say no to Louis cooking skills

- Is still a little nervous, when he's holding is daughter. He is afraid that he might not be too careful and hurt her

- It is his little princess

- When she gets older she and Louis would always cook together. He will also show her new recipes, she loves to spend time with her dad

- Protect his daughter with all cost. Its gonna be worse when she is old enough to have a boyfriend

- He might be a little strict, but he just wants to make sure she is alright

- He might be a little strict, but he just wants to make sure she is alright

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- He have a cute little boy and a sweet girl

- They reminds him of himself when he was a child

- Albert is afraid of ending like his family. But with you on his side he is sure that you will be a happy family

- Brings his son and daughter small gifts, when he was on a trip

- You two would look after your kids in the night. In the end you would fall asleep in their room while cuddling them

- His heart melts when he sees his children play with their uncles

- He has no problem at changing diapers or tucking them to bed. He will enjoy every moment with them

- He loves to hug and cuddle them

- He loves to hug and cuddle them

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- He will have a daughter

- Sherly is so excited and at the same time scared of having a child

- At the time were his daughter is able to walk, he will take her to crime scenes as his little assistant. But of course You, John and Miss Hudson will tell him that, it isn't a place for a child

- He will let her know many things as possible. He is showing her experiments, different kind of books and finally (an important thing) how to annoy Mycroft

- While you are showing her some manners, Sherly is making her to a sweet little devil. Like her dad

- He's a bit overwhelmed with how to take care of a child right

- You often find them asleep on the couch cuddling together

- Piggyback rides are a must

- Is staying all night with her and tell her different kind of adventures he had with John

I hope you liked this story:)
Also I am working on your requests, so please have a little bit more patience
Have a lovely day/night<3
Bye bye

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