Trailer 1

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???: I remember those dark times when darkness and shadows ruled over this world. We tried to stop it but we weren't ready for something so powerful... This war isn't over and I can't save you. But I can help you. My students. One day you will go out of hiding and stop running from this evil. Your names will be known all over the world.

The world will be safe.

My students, you are not ready but one day You will take a stand and end this war. Your clan will grow and you will grow. Your Mother sacrificed everything and now it's your turn to fulfill her legacy. Your beginning



A woman's voice narrates.

Lyrics: 'I'm a survivor!'

A bo staff swipes past the screen.

Lyrics: 'I'm not gon' give up.'

The Two Kurisigamas with red ribbons rips apart some


Lyrics: 'I'm not gon' stop.'

Pink Wushu ropes wrap around a watermelon and crushes it.

Lyrics: 'I'm gon' work harder!'

Twin tensens dance their way to the middle of the screen and flip being followed by a light blue aura then fades out.

The bo staff flips around again and fades off screen that was followed by a violet smoke.

A metal snake like thing swerves through a creek. It's dark but a blue light reflects off of it. It fades into black.

The Kurisigamas clash together followed by a red smoke.

The Wushu ropes sway different directions but then clap together making a pink smoke explode in all directions then fades out.

The tensens move around like the others and still followed by the blue smokey aura.

A dark figure holds the Kurisigamas and punches and kicks other shadows along with three other shadows who are shorter who hold the other weopons.

Gun shots are seen and there is a fire fading in.

The fighting continues as the fire gets larger and fades

out. The four figures are looking down and on their knees.

One is focused on. A mutant turtle with Hazel eyes puts on a light blue mask and looks up.

Another with lighter green skin who has light blue eyes

puts on a pink mask and looks up.

One who is a bit taller who had oil stains on her face puts on a violet mask and looks up. She puts round glasses.

The camera focuses on the face of the one with a blood red mask. Her eyes are closed but suddenly open with

her pupils going smaller.

They run. They fight even more darker figures again.

They have their backs turned again but their on a mountain top. The sun going down and they pull their fists up each carrying a small light blue flag with the Yin and Yang symbol. The screen fades black and shows the title.

The Drift


So you're all probably confused about what's going on and why I just posted a same exact replica of Azure_universe_06's story and her username. Well I am her 😅 I actually started this account as an role-play thing but then I lost my other account as you guys know to be Azure_universe_06. I really wish I could prove it but you just have to trust me... Also I will be changing the original story a little by not adding Irma. The reason being is because she won't really play a big role in my "movie" She would just be a side character and won't have to much attention. That also means I could add more scenes I was going to scrap and trust me if this was an actual movie there would be so many edits of a lot of these scenes lmao!
Anyway my stars have a great morning/day/night and please enjoy my stories! Ciao!
💙🌟💙 🌟 💙

Update:I'm adding Irma but she won't be seen a lot

The Drift Part 1Where stories live. Discover now