Friendly Squabbles

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*they lived in the same time period*

"You're telling me, you came to visit because you needed a lantern in the shape of my husband?" Melvin asked with hesitation. He poured a bit more of green tea into his friend's cup before she continued. "Yes. For my friend Umeko. She really admires Kusonoki." Melvin looked at Hikarun with a fire stare, despite his green eyes looking like small emeralds. "Not a Chance." "Why?" "I rightfully earned that lantern in a duel. So unless you win a battle against me, you ain't getting it."

Hikarun stood up and looked menacingly at Melvin. "There's a reason I talk to butterfly spirits. It's a duel then. Right now! After we finish the tea!" Come on now, the tea couldn't go to waste. They even had small treats with the tea. And it was all homemade, of course it was good.

After they finished, they went outside. The wind started to pick up as they drew out their weapons. The two friends looked at each other in spite anger and started throwing stuff at each other. They kept angrily grumbling about the lantern as they stopped and repeatedly throw something again. It felt like a cartoon fight.

"Mr Masashige! I would like to ask-" Before Z could finish, she saw her mentor's partner fight against a woman that looked to be around 25. They looked like they were fighting over something so small. They almost acted like siblings. "Oh hi Z!" Melvin shouted from near the tree he was stand from. "Hello there!" Hikarun waved to the teen below them. "What are you doing here so early? He's not even home yet!" Melvin asked as he walked down the hill. "I came to ask Mr Masashige if I couldn't bring a friend but I guess you're quite busy with something." She looked at Hikarun's direction. "That's Hikaru, she's my friend." "That makes a lot of sense now." Hikarun waved to the teen in the wheelchair as she zoomed off into the house to wait for Kusonoki to arrive.


"So you're telling me, you got into a argument for a lantern?" They both nodded. Hirosa popped up from the corner and hugged her father. "AWEE TINY CHILD." "Scary woman!" Hikarun's pride has fallen! She got called worser names, but never scary woman by a six year old child. Z couldnt believe that Hirosa out of all kids called a adult scary. This kid was remarkable.

Hikarun got the lantern sooner or later.

417 words


Please, idk what I'm writing anymore 😭. I always imagined they have this kind of dynamic.

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