chapter one

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a cold wind ran throughout the crowded new york street, the clouds dragging lazily behind, closely resembling dogs religiously following their owners. a man watched with a guilty smile on his face as he saw large clusters of people running into shops and restaurants in a rush to get away from the rain, mentally thanking himself for fixing the leak in the room a day prior.

the bell above the door was constantly ringing as people ran in, their hair standing on end and their faces giving the impression they had just caught a tornado. people were queuing in a line so long that it stretched around a full wall, and at one point the barista had to redirect the queue so as to steer people away from the fire, which continued to spit dangerously close to the customers even after they had moved. 

y/n was quietly sweating as he scribbled yet another customer's name on the side of a cup, never having known his family's little coffeeshop to have so many people asking to be served at once. he only looked up to the door every ten rings, and after that, he almost immediately went back to what he was doing.

it was only after the rain had calmed, and people had gotten so bored with queueing that they just walked out the door that y/n really got a closer look at each of his customers. over the years, he had become very good at reading faces - especially quickly - as it had often proved often in his job; he saw people who were in a rush, people with nowhere to go, sad people, happy people. but none of them especially attracted his attention until the last customer - a young woman, with long ginger hair that fell perfectly on her back, and pure blue eyes that made him grin uncontrollably like a child for a split second, before he was dragged back down to reality.

"uh, here you...", he trailed off. "here you go, sir, have a nice day," the man accepted his cup of coffee and went off to find an empty seat. 

now it was time to serve the woman. y/n's palms began to sweat underneath the counter, and his already-low level of social confidence dropped lower than his dream voice. 

y/n pulled a little pencil from behind his ear and leant towards his notepad. "what can i get started for you?", he smiled, questioning if he was dreaming or not as he spoke.

"uh, tea, please,", the woman grinned back, and y/n felt his heart float. "no sugar,"

y/n nodded quickly and got to work, pulling a cup out from the drawer and pouring the boiling water into the tea leaves. he looked up and noticed that the woman was staring idly out the window, and he saw his chance. as quietly as he could, y/n pulled a little corner of his notepad and scribbled his number in an untidy scrawl on it, with the words "you're v pretty :) maybe we could hang out?" on the back of the paper. seeing that the tea was ready, he drained the leaves and poured some milk into the cup, subtly sliding his number underneath the cup as he placed it on a saucer. "here you go,", he nodded at her, wondering rapidly how to make the conversation last forever. "uh, on the house, don't worry about it!", he added quickly as he saw her reach for her wallet.

after about five seconds of the dullest conversation that y/n was certain he would never forget, the woman laughed one last time and went off to find a seat, leaving y/n open-mouthed at the rate of his heartbeat.

however, he continued his duties, wiping the counter clean and going back to his chair, opening a book and sighing in content. it was barely thirty seconds after the beautiful woman left that she returned, a very awkward expression on her face.

"uh, there aren't any seats left our here; d'you think there's a chance i could sit with you? sorry, this is awkward, god, but-" she was cut off by y/n's hands holding her back and gently guiding her to the only other spare seat in the shop.

"of course,", he said, sitting back down in his own chair and looking at her over the top of his glasses. after a moment, he realised what he had just done, and began fumbling over himself to apologise.

the woman simply laughed at his flustered face, and once she had calmed herself a little, she spoke. "it's fine, don't worry about it!", she began. "i'm sadie, by the way."

the man smiled and held out a hand. "y/n,", he said.

a/n: first chapterrrrr! this is gonna get like 2 views but yk what i like it and this is very much gender so yay :))

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