Ch 2: The First Day pt 2.

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Qibli's P.O.V.

Qibli and Winter were waiting for their friends outside the school. The only enjoyable part of waiting was Qibli had all the time to annoy his best friend. Ok, maybe best friend is a bit of a stretch.

"Why are they late?" Winter murmured.

"Be patient, Igloo face." Qibl teased. "Just cool down."

"How about you stop with the nicknames." Winter growled.

Finally, their friends appeared. There was Turtle, Kinakjou...... and Moon. The beautiful black haired girl was looking radiant.

"Stop with the thoughts!"  

"Sorry we're late." Turtle apologized.

"We walked from our homes." Kinakjou told them.

"Doesn't matter." Qibli reassured.

Qibli again turned to look at Moon. Could Qibli get her to be his girlfriend this year? It wasn't likely, but maybe.

"Shall we go?" Winter hissed. "First class is math and I have a strong suspicion Kestrel won't want us late."

"Wise call" Kinkajou agreed.

Moon's P.O.V.

"You're a tenth of a second late!" Kestrel yelled at Moon and her friends. "Lunch Detention! Now sit!"

"Someone's in a grumpy mood. True, she's always in a grumpy mood."

"Today, we'll be having a pop quiz." Kestrel announced, making the whole class whine. "You have ten minutes to do these one hundred problems."

"My first F of the year..... Yay."

When the class had finished, Kestrel counted up the scores and to no one's surprise, only Starflight made an A while everyone else made an F. Life lesson, don't have Kestrel as your math teacher.

The next class was history with Mr. Webs, Riptides father. Moon hoped that this would be a better class than math, but she would soon learn lectures weren't the definition of better.

"Today, we'll be going over the Scorching." Webs droned. "Back in the day..... bla bla bla....."

Moon zoned out of the lesson and began to thing some..... personal thoughts. That's right. High School boys.

For about a year, she'd had crushes on two certain boys that she was positive liked her as well. There was one problem. She could only choose one of them, but who?

She first looked at one of the boys. Qibli. He was funny, nice, and made Moon feel comfortable. Plus, he was usually with Moon and she could depend on him.

Then there was Winter. He was handsome, rich, and observant. Plus, he was both an artist and baseball player. She knew those weren't the characteristics she should look for in a person, but something about his icy blue gaze made her feel at home.

"Moon!" Webs suddenly called, talking her out of her thoughts.

"Huh?" she mumbled.

"I asked you who was the first ever animus human?" he sighed. "You really need to be paying attention."

"Sorry" she apologized. "Was it Wing?"

"That was the first Queen, not animus." Kinkajou whispered to her.

"No, it was Chaos." Webs again sighed.

After that class, it was lunch. The difference was Moon and her friends would spend it in the principals office. The fun Kestrel gives!

"What happened?" Principal Thorn asked.

"We were a tenth of a second late to math class." Qibli groaned.

"A tenth of a second?" Thorn echoed.

"Yep." Winter muttered.

"Well, she did give it to you so...." Thorn started.

"We didn't all do it!" Qibli proclaimed. 

He nudged Winter, so Moon could see what was happening here.

"It was just me and Qibli." Winter agreed.

"Really?" Thorn asked skeptically. 

"Yes." Qibli muttered.

"We'll then, the rest of you can go." Thorn said.

Before she left, Moon whispered a thank you to Qibli and Winter which made them light up! Now there was one problem. Who would she choose in the end?

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