Ch 7: Caught in 4K!!!!!!(Gone Wrong)

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Tsunami's P.O.V.

Tsunami and Peril were talking in the hallway. Tsunami still didn't know how her friend managed to be held back three years, but didn't ever ask. For now, they were forming a very mean plan.

The idea was Tsunami was going to drag Glory into the middle of the school while Peril got Deathbringer. Bada bing, bada boom! The two were caught in 4K! Well, that wasn't exactly what happened......

"You won't come!" Tsunami yelled.

"Sorry, but Kinkajou needs something from me and I have to leave early." Glory explained.

"But Clay needs you to be there!" Tsunami protested. "It's urgent."

"Well you tell Clay that it'll have to wait till next week." Glory sighed.

Before Tsunami could come up with anymore excuses, Glory bolted down the hall. Caught in 4K had gone wrong! And the troubles of Tsunamis day were only beginning......

When she found Peril she was with someone who was DEFINITELY NOT DEATHBRINGER!!!!!!!! SHE DID NOT SAY RIPTIDE!!!!!!!!

"I said I wanted Deathbringer!" Tsunami whispered to Peril.

"I couldn't find him, so I got a substitute." Peril told her.

"Your lucky Glory isn't coming anyway, or I'd shred you!" Tsunami joked. "In No was is Glory interested in Tsunami. At least, I don't think she is."

"That was comforting." Peril mumbled.

Suddenly, Riptide walked over with a evil smug on his face. What now?!

"Hey Tsu" Riptide said.

"I'll just go." Peril said before leaving the two alone, or thinking they were alone.

"What do you want?" Tsunami asked.

"I don't know." Riptide said. "Peril just said you wanted me."

"She said what?!" Tsunami yelled.

"That traitor!"

Without Tsunami knowing, someone came up behind her and pushed her. She fell right on top of Riptide who looked as if he was annoyed as well as happy. Why did Tsunami like him again?

"Caught in 4K!" Glory yelled from behind.

"Curse you all!" Tsunami said flustered.

She hated to admit it, but she was kind of thankful. If it weren't for her "friends" she would probably never be with her crush. For now though, she had full permission to hate them.

"Your welcome." Sunny yelled.

"Your all idiots!" Tsunami yelled.

Tsunamis day didn't go as planned. She wanted a little time to annoy Glory, but it came back and got her instead. So she ended up with Riptide, after being caught in 4K!

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